2024.05.05 (일)

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기상청 제공


Iran, Russia, Chinese Taipei, Jordan, Italy Win 1 Gold Each on 2nd Day of 1st WTF World Cadet Taekwondo Championships in Baku, Azerbaijan

NBC-1TV News Beyond Cliche World News

[By NBC-1TV S. A Lee]BAKU, Azerbaijan (July 25, 2014) --- Iran continued its supremacy in taekwondo as it took one gold medal and two silver medals on the second day of the 1st WTF World Cadet Taekwondo Championships in Baku, Azerbaijan on July 25, 2014.

Russia took home one gold, one silver and one bronze, while Chinese Taipei, Jordan and Italy grabbed one gold each.

Croatia and Latvia clinched one silver medal each on the second day of competition at the inaugural World Cadet Taekwondo Championships, which are for the youth aged between 12 and 14. The event takes place at the National Gymnastic Arena in downtown Baku, drawing a total of 574 athletes from 65 countries.

Turkey won three bronze medals and Egypt two bronzes, while the Philippines, Spain, India and Germany took one bronze medal each.

In the female -41kg final match, Chinese Taipei's Jeih Die Chen defeated Croatia's Paola Strascek to clinch the gold medal. In the same weight division, the bronze went to Turkey's Hilal Simsek and Russia's Daria Izmailova.

In the male -41kg final match, Russia's Dmitrii Pastukhov easily defeated Iran's Shahin Shiasi Dehsouri 12-2 to earn his country the gold medal. Spain's Arturo Gomez Saura and India's Abdul Wahid J. shared the bronze medal in the same weight division.

In the female -44kg final match, Iran's Donya Mohammadi beat Latvia's Jolanta Tarvida 3-1 to give her country the gold medal. The bronze went to the Philippines' Mayn Yengele Coran and Turkey's Irem Erdogan.

In the male -45kg weight division, Jordan's Zaid Alhalawani needed a fourth golden-point round to grab the gold medal against Russia's Vladislav Moiseev.
The two were tied at 3-3 at the end of the regular three rounds. Turkey's Mertcan Dolmaci and Egypt's Abdelrahman Elsayed each took home the bronze medal in the same weight category.

In the male -49kg weight division, Italy's Vito Dell'Aquila brushed aside a stiff challenge from his final-match opponent, Iran's Ebrahim Safari Soumeeh, to win the match 10-8 for the gold medal. The bronze was shared by Germany's Muhammedcan Goekce and Egypt's Mohamed Farag.

The third day of the Baku event, on July 26, will feature five weight categories: the female -47kg, the female -51kg, the female -55kg, the male -53kg and the male -57kg.

