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기상청 제공

World News

My Love Story for Korean Taekwondo and Poem

[REBROADCAST]Anita Seo Dornbach, taekwondo master from Netherlands

[By NBC-1TV By Lena Kim]Korean traditional martial art, taekwondo is widespread all over the world. Many people got to know Korea through taekwondo. Anita Seo Dornbach, from Netherlands, is one of overseas non-Korean taekwondo masters. She fell in love not only taekwondo but also Korean poem. NBC-1TV introduced her love story.

There was an essay competition for overseas non-Korean taekwondo masters co-hosted by World Taekwondo Federation (WTF), Kukkiwon and Taekwondo Promotion Foundation (TPF). Anita won first prize in the competition with other 13 taekwondo masters from all over the world. Her essay title is 'Influence of Taekwondo on My Life and Attitude'. With other prize winners for the essay competition, she joined in taekwondo festival. KBS even interviewed her and her husband Seo Myung-soo to listen their taekwondo story.

However, getting her prize is not the only purpose of her visit. She loves Korean poem and she was invited to one essayist association's event celebrating a publication of its book. She attended there and expressed how much she likes Korean poem. She felt very happy to be there.

Her stay in Korea was very short but she brought many precious memories of taekwondo and poem back to Netherlands. It's already sad to say goodbye to her loving people. It's obvious for Anita to visit Korea again and always be with Korean taekwondo and Korean poem. By Lena Kim, NBC-1TV[Date:PM 7:56 March. 16. 2008]


