2024.04.07 (일)

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기상청 제공


3rd WTF World Taekwondo Poomsae Championships Kick Off in Ankara, Turkey

NBC-1TV World News

[NBC-1TV]The 3rd WTF World Taekwondo Poomsae Championships kicked off in a ceremony in Ankara, Turkey, on Dec. 16, 2008, drawing 521 athletes and officials from 50 countries.

The WTF-promoted poomsae championships, which take place at the ASKI Sport Hall, will continue until Dec. 18.

It marked the first time that the poomsae championships took place outside Korea. The inaugural poomsae championships were held in Seoul, Korea in 2006, with the second event in Incheon, Korea in 2007.

The opening day of the championships featured four events. Korea won three gold medals, while Spain clinched one gold. A total of 16 golds are up for grabs.

In the men’s individual junior division (between 14-18 years), Korea’s Se-hoon Jang took the gold medal, while the silver went to host Turkey’s Ali Kemal Ustabas. The bronze was shared by Spain’s Juan Miguel Gomez Gomez and Iran’s Milad Yaghobi.

In the women’s individual junior category, Korean Hye-Rim Park won the gold medal, while Germany’s Cyra Renee De Rama took the silver. The bronze went to Vietnam’s Nguyen Minh Tu and Chinese Taipei’s Lee Ying-Hsian.

Korean Hyung-Jun Noh earned his country the third gold medal in the men’s individual 1st master division (between 41 and 50 years). Denmark’s Ky-Tu Dinh Dang took the silver, while Turkey’s Mustafa Yilmaz and Iran’s Hossein Ali Nazarigharechomagh shared the bronze medal.

In the 2nd pair category (over 36 years), Spain’s Alberto F. Delgado Vazquez and Yolanda Ulbero Alcaniz won the gold medal, while Turkey’s Nesime Altun and Zeynel Celik took the silver. The bronze went to Egypt’s Amany Abdel Tawab and Yehia Abdel Hamid and Chinese Taipei’s Lu Chuan-Tsung and Chang Han-Wen.

Players will compete to win seven gold medals on the second day of the championships on Dec. 17, and five golds on Dec. 18.

Korea, which swept the 16 gold medals at the inaugural poomsae championships in 2006, decided not to send its players this time to the pair and team categories.

In the afternoon, there was an opening ceremony of the 3rd WTF World Taekwondo Poomsae Championships.

“I have a particular affection for this annual event that exhibits mastery of moves that form the core elements of taekwondo by all age groups from juniors to seniors. I could not be happier to see poomsae being a distinguished discipline of taekwondo in an international sporting field, including the 2009 Belgrade Universiade,” said WTF President Chungwon Choue during the opening ceremony.

He said, “Poomsae reaches out to all enthusiasts around the world, not only sport elites or competent athletes. It features a true global sport-for-all not limited by gender, age, or disability. In essence, poomsae has the unique ways to unite the world through peaceful and healthy means, and embrace every taekwondo-loving people.”

