2024.04.23 (화)

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기상청 제공


WISH Company Launches Global B2B/B2C Shopping Mall ‘WISH Trend.com’

NBC-1TV World News

[By NBC-1TV H. J Yook]WISH Company has recently launched its WISH Trend mall selling Korea’s beauty/fashion/entertainment items directly to its customers abroad.

WISH Trend originated from the fact that the Hallyu boom has been intensifying, leading to the increased interest of Korean beauty and fashion by the world. Despite the booming Hallyu, there has only been a handful of brands that are noticed by consumers abroad; the rest, unrecognized and indifferent.

WISH Trend has both B2B and B2C functions. Anyone who visits the website can purchase items unique to Korea, free of shipping charges. On the other hand, those who have buyer validation can make mass purchases to observe and analyze their local market. What’s more, the items sold in WISH Trend are reviewed both in text and on Youtube in English to make life a little easier for the customers.

In the preliminary stage of the website, they will promote Korea’s beauty/fashion items through the overseas communities and buyers that WISH Company manages. Introducing these local beauty/fashion brands to the overseas market by building long-lasting relationships with the Hallyu communities of the world.

“The world has recognized the heightened level of Korea’s fashion/beauty culture”, says SoungHo Park, CEO of WISH Company; fashion/beauty/entertainment brand management. He aspires to act as an incubator to introduce Korea’s brands through WISH Trend.com.

Moreover, with the successful exporting history with the local cosmeceutical brands Ciracle and Gatzmen in Hong Kong, Thailand, Singapore and China; WISH Company intends to support and execute the proliferation of Korean brands world wide.


