2024.03.31 (일)

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기상청 제공


Spinshell Releases Japanese and Korean Versions of Habitat, a Geolocation Social Networking Service

NBC-1TV World News

[By NBC-1TV H. J Yook]Spinshell announced the release of Japanese and Korean versions of Habitat, a service for finding and sharing locations through a social network. The English version was released in August of last year, and plans are for Spinshell to use the Japanese and Korean versions as a springboard for developing versions for languages from all over the world.

With Habitat, nostalgic places and favorite spots can be organized and shared as part of one's habitat. Habitat can be applied to locations associated with certain milestones in life and other places of personal significance, such as favorite restaurants, the site of a marriage proposal, or even something as specific as a telephone pole. Sharing locations with friends and family members who have similar interests makes it easy to find places that are a good fit. Humans are not the only ones with habitats. For instance, the importance of nature conservation can be conveyed by displaying the habitats of endangered species.

Hiroshi Kaneda, CEO of Spinshell, has stated that “People have had their own ‘habitats’ since the beginning of history. Our various practices and memories are invariably linked to different locations, each of which is a mark of mankind. It is not an exaggeration to say that this is the first attempt ever made in the history of mankind to organize the habitats of people. Moreover, sightseeing guides and such were once written using information collected for the general public, prepared by someone who knew nothing about you. In the future, individual users will create their own customized guidebooks and share them through social networks. ”


