2024.03.30 (토)

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기상청 제공


‘Korean Celeb Face Match’ That Seeks Similar Korean Stars Ranks Top in Free Photo Application in China

‘Korean Celeb Face Match’ Earns High Popularity in China as an Application That Searches Resemblance to Korean Wave Celebrities

[By NBC-1TV H. J Yook]The ‘Korean Celeb Face Match,’ an entertainment application that searches similar celebrities, enjoys high popularity in China as it ranks first in photo & video segment of App Store.

As an entertainment application that seeks similar Korean popular celebrities by analyzing faces in photos taken by smart phones developed by KTH (President: Seo Jeong-ju) (KOSDAQ: 036030), its Chinese version was launched in July last year.

The ‘Korean Celeb Face Match’ application gains explosive popularity in Asian countries as well as China where the Korean Wave fever is prevailing. The application already earned fame in Korea as not only the general public but also top stars, such as Super Junior, 2am, BoA and Miss A, frequently used it. And it is widely used in Asian countries, including Singapore and Hong Kong.

Its popularity in China is analyzed to have come from moccasin telegraph as it matches one's face with resembled Korean wave star because Korean TV drama series and K-Pop attract popularity in China.

This application was already downloaded by 12 million people around the world, it ranked third place in free application charts recently announced by Apple‘s App Stores. As it was the official announcement of applications that earned popularity during 3 years and 7 months since launch of App Stores, it shows steady popularity of the ’Korean Celeb Face Match' application.


