2024.05.15 (수)

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기상청 제공


PK Wins InterSystems Breakthrough Application Award

Dutch Healthcare Software Innovator Builds on InterSystems Technologies to Deliver Breakthrough Mobile Solution for Emergency Services Response Measurement

[By NBC-1TV E. H Kim]InterSystems Corporation, a global leader in software for connected care, today announced that PK, a software firm based in The Netherlands, has been recognized with the InterSystems Award for Breakthrough Applications. PK, an InterSystems application partner, was recognized for its CU-BOX(R) mobile application for real-time emergency services response measurement.

CU-BOX(R) leverages the InterSystems CACHÉ(R) high-performance database system and InterSystems Ensemble(R) rapid integration and development platform to provide critical, objective information about the quality of emergency healthcare delivery. The solution includes mobile applications that plot the emergency response timeline by storing key timestamps such as departure time of an emergency vehicle and arrival time at the patient's location and at the hospital. CU-BOX also includes a geographical information system (GIS) and an automated tracking system based on Google Maps and OpenStreetMap. Status information such as the emergency vehicle location and current vehicle status -- vehicle is immediately available or vehicle is arriving at patient location, for example -- are displayed in real-time at the emergency department at the destination hospital.

Reliability, High Performance, Support for Rapid Application Development

“We faced two major technical challenges in developing the CU-BOX solution,” said Jack Paas, founder and President of PK. “The first was the requirement to create a mobile data communication network that offered extremely high reliability and security while also providing the speed and power to enable real-time interaction between emergency vehicles and hospital-based emergency departments. Just as important was the need to capture and integrate all of the data needed to prove the quality of the logistics process during an emergency call.”

PK developers selected CACHÉ as the database for data flowing between emergency vehicles operated by first responders and emergency department personnel. “CACHÉ offers the high performance and reliability that are essential for real-time information delivery,” Paas said. InterSystems Ensemble was used to build the integration processes that support real-time data flow and accurate measurement and reporting of emergency response processes. “The combined capabilities of CACHÉ, Ensemble and other InterSystems technologies made it possible to build a mobile solution for emergency scenarios that is completely unique in a new market niche,” Paas said. “In addition, InterSystems technologies support very rapid application development, a capability that is vital to successfully responding to ongoing organizational, legislative and technology changes in the highly fluid healthcare environment. CU-BOX is a true breakthrough in proving and improving the quality of the commitment of healthcare providers in emergency response situations,” Paas stated.


