2024.05.15 (수)

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기상청 제공


Fujitsu Network Communications Rolls FPX CPQ OnDemand(R) Into Application

NBC-1TV World News

[By NBC-1TV E. H Kim]FPX, the pioneering innovator of Configure-Price-Quote® (CPQ) applications, announced today that Fujitsu Network Communications has completed training their extensive sales users groups in the use of FPX CPQ OnDemand® and has formally adopted the solution enterprise wide.

“FPX CPQ OnDemand gives our sales force a substantial competitive advantage,” said David Hawkins, vice president, sales engineering and operations at Fujitsu Network Communications, Inc. “The FPX solution empowers our sales engineers to be more independent by placing a significant portion of the product data and configuration rules directly within the quoting application. This streamlines the sales process allowing our sales team to focus on selling. Plus, FPX proved to be a valuable partner every step of the way during selection and implementation.”

“Fujitsu Network Communications represents the perfect type of customer to benefit from the seamless integration of FPX's Configure-Price-Quote solutions with their existing back-end data applications and Salesforce.com,” said Jim Scheper, Vice President of Business Development for FPX. “Their sales force is now empowered to quickly and accurately manage the entire deal process, from producing initial quotes to managing complex network configurations to generating the final sales proposal that ultimately closes the sale in less time than ever. This implementation is the result of great teamwork between Fujitsu and FPX -- the technology advances achieved through this process deliver an extremely differentiated solution to Fujitsu with scale, performance and functionality.”

FPX develops solutions that enable companies to increase and accelerate sales by simplifying complex sales processes. Specifically, FPX solutions address the challenges of optimally configuring complex products and services, accurately pricing these unique configurations, and quickly generating accurate sales quotes and proposals.

FPX's cloud-based flagship solution, CPQ OnDemand, offers substantial benefits over installed applications including cost savings by eliminating the need for hardware or software installation onsite. Additionally, the cloud environment simplifies release management as updates are made dynamically, not in the physical user environment. Finally, the cloud provides great availability as users can access the solution from any location worldwide.


