2024.03.29 (금)

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기상청 제공


Politics Made in Trust Isn't Impossible

[NBC-1TV] Lee Hye-Yon, Spokesperson of the Liberty Forward Party

When you turn on TV and watch political news, whom are person you mostly face with? Nowadays, spokeswomen make a really main stream of Korean politics. These three main spokeswomen are Na Kyung-Eun of the Grand National Party, Yoo Eun-Hye of the United New Democratic Party and Lee Hye-Yon of the Liberty Forward Party.

Today, we have a interview with Lee Hye-Yon who appeared in Korean politics like a shooting star. We asked her several questions to listen her story.

Q: "Thank you very much for letting us have a change to interview you. People say that your outspoken attitude and innocent mind are really refreshing. Do you think what the reasons that your way of work draws people's that big attention are?"

A: "First of all, thank you very much for your compliment. I think there's nothing that I can show you or hide you as someone involved in politics. It's only been four months since I started this work. Before this, I had a long work experience in broadcasting company as a writer and I got to know Lee Hoi-Chang at that time who is now the leader of the Forward Liberty Party. When Lee recommend me to take this role, I was really worried because I'm not sure that I'm capable of take this big job in the biggest political event, which is the 17th presidential election. On my first meeting with reporters, the first thing I promised to them was that I would do my best to deliver the truth. That was only thing I can do for people and I found that it really worked. When I sincerely ask people for help and support, people believe me and the Liberty Forward Party. So I think that's the reason people think I'm trustworthy and support me."


Q: "In recent Korean politics, many spokeswomen are representing each party and take a major role in affecting public sentiment. In your point of view, what are the strength spokeswoman have compared to spokesmen?"

A: "Spokesperson can be defined as a bridge or window which connects political party with people. Depends on how the window is, people's perception toward politics can be different. If the window is not clean to see, people think politics aren't trustworthy as I did before. On that point, spokeswomen deliver more pure, innocent and outspoken images based on maternal love. I don't mean to discriminate spokesmen, but women tend to be more sincere and deliberate to deliver each party's view as it is. I think these are kinds of strengths women have and can be the reason why spokeswomen are one of main streams in Korean politics today."

Q: "You once had worked for a broadcasting company as a writer and now became a spokesperson for the Liberty Forward Party. What is the biggest difference to work as a writer and spokesperson?"

A: "What I feel the most different is that there's more responsibility to speak than to write. We can change and modify what is wrong in writing, but can't do the same thing in speaking just as a saying, “It's no use crying over spilt milk." I didn't realize it when I was writer and thought that announcer, guests based on my script in the program didn't reach my expectation to deliver the full meanings. I thought if I were them, I could do better than them. But I became in their positions as a speaker, I finally get to know that speaking correctly and properly is really difficult. That makes me understand people who work in those areas should have more responsibility and I should pay more attention to deliver a single word as a spokesperson. I try to keep that in mind all the time to represent my party in a right way and right direction."

Q: "If your supporter or people whom like you make a three-phrase poem starting your name Lee Hye-Yon, what would you like the poem will be?"

A: "If you don't mind, I hope you would support me and cheer me up in this way:
Lee: For the politics making this* world better than before;
Hye: there's a spokeswoman coming to you like a shooting star**; and
Yon: her name is Lee Hye-Yon with warm and generate mind like a lotus blossom***.
(* 'This' is pronounced 'lee' in Korean;**the first Korean letter of 'a shooting star' is 'hye'; and ***the first Korean letter of 'a lotus blossom' is 'Yon'.)

In the end of the interview, she didn't forget to do her job as a spokesperson.

"Having this chance, I would like to say something about Lee Hoi-Chang, the leader of the Liberty Forward Party. Many people seem to think that Lee is strict and cold-mind, a kind of not-friendly. But as one of people who closely work with Lee, I can guarantee that he is very friendly and kind. He even has a nickname which is 'a boy with pure mind'. I ask for your continuing support to him who is full of pure passion to devote his life to Koreans' better life."

Through her interview, we can get to know that she sincerely wants to deliver the messages of truth and makes a change with trust. After her story, it can be said that we can believe and hope that politics made in trust can not be an impossible story.

By Lena Kim, NBC-1TV

[자유선진당 이혜연 대변인]


