2024.04.19 (금)

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기상청 제공


Neo Vision, developed Internal Absorption Technology (IA) for contact lens after Sandwich Process

NBC-1TV World News

[NBC-1TV E. H Kim]A contact lens manufacturer, Neo Vision (CEO Kyung-Hwa Kim, www.neolens.co.kr) stated that “we have developed a new ‘Internal Absorption Technology’ which interfuses pigment inside the lens”.

Recently, as the use of color lens increases, the interest in safe contact lens is also increasing. Especially in case of some low price lens which prints out pigment directly on the outer surface, it is known that the pigment directly touching cornea may cause pigmentation making the safety in using color lens come to the fore.

Neo Vision has released products applied with N.S, Nano Sandwich Technology which coats the lens after coloring on the lens surface. Patented and registered of the trademark as original technology by Neo Vision, it features safe use of lens without side effects such as coloring or bleaching of cornea by coating the outer surface of the lens once more.

This time, they developed new IA, Internal Absorption Technology upgraded from Sandwich Process after three years of research. Permeating and absorbing U.S. FDA approved safe pigment into contact lens material; the color pigment is not directly touched with cornea.

Not only minimizing the eye fatigue as the pigment is not touching the eye, but it also maintains the percentage of water content in the material as well as gas-permeability. As the pigment is penetrated through lens material, the lens gets thin giving only a little sense of difference.

Such an Internal Absorption Technology is applied to recently released color lens, ‘Shiny-DALI’, and this product features thin slice, 42% of water content, and excellent comfort as it prevents sore eyes and inflamed eyes.

A person from Neo Vision said that “we expect to make various products for safer and more convenient use by applying newly developed Internal Absorption Technology” and added “we will work on R&D activities continuously for customers’ eye health”.


