2024.04.20 (토)

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  • 흐림거제 8.0℃
기상청 제공


Abu Dhabi Police Collaborates with West Yorkshire Police in Field of Forensics

[By NBC-1TV H. J Yook]Abu Dhabi Police, represented by the Forensic Evidence Department, has discussed methods of mutual cooperation with the West Yorkshire Police in the United Kingdom.

Colonel Abdul Rahman Al Hammadi, Head of the Forensic Evidence Department at Abu Dhabi Police, met Mark Gilmore, Chief Constable of West Yorkshire Police in the UK. Colonel Al Hammadi presented a brief overview of the ongoing development processes at the forensic laboratories, which earned the Forensic Evidence Department international recognition, and membership in a number of international forensic associations and organizations.

The Chief Constable of West Yorkshire Police toured the different sections of the department and viewed the forensic LIMS System, as well as future projects. He expressed admiration for the status of the Abu Dhabi Police’s forensic labs, and the progress made in developing security services provided to the public and in the field of forensic justice.

It is worth mentioning that LIMS System is an integrated information management system that supports operations and daily tasks of the Forensic Evidence Department. The system provides the user with accurate and detailed statistical analysis in the form of simplified charts and tables, and includes an electronic training user manual. It also provides processing and quality control assessment to allow the forensic lab to reach the highest international standards of quality.

It is also worth mentioning that Mark Gilmore, the Chief Constable of West Yorkshire Police, is a member the Association of Chief Police Officers in the United Kingdom, and is in charge of the Forensic Labs Coordination Committee in the United Kingdom.


