2024.05.14 (화)

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기상청 제공


PANANOMICS Co., Ltd. developed PACS server for small and medium-sized hospitals

[By NBC-1TV E. H Kim]PANANOMICS Co., Ltd. (CEO Ju Sang Lee, www.pananomics.com), a company specialized in manufacturing medical digital X-ray, developed Picture Archiving Communication System (hereinafter called “PACS”), which is best suited for small-and-medium-sized hospitals.

PACS server that has been developed by the cutting-edge software technology can be used in small-and-medium-sized hospitals at a reasonable cost. It also provides a format based on the international standard DICOM 3.0 and HL7 that are used for all medical equipment; thereby, being able to process any data of medical imaging equipment that is compatible with this format.

All the commands generated in the electronic system are sent to the medical equipment upon being processed through MWL (medical work list) inside the server while PACS server provides compatibility for connection with the existing hospital electronic systems.

In particular, various information and image of the hospital does not has only simple functional part but also data management and backup systems since it should guarantee legally for a certain period of time. PACS server can provide a method of implementation that is most appropriate for each hospital and also ensure data security and safety. It maximized the efficiency of the storage capacity by introducing the international standard for compressing technology, DICOM, for the most important problem that was data capacity since it had to ensure the data over a period of time.

PACS viewer, which was developed together, has adopted the user-centered UI design. It has increased the convenience and operational efficiency through outputting medical image at the monitor and location desired by the user. It enables users to retrieve and view all of the images that comply with DICOM 3.0 format that is the international standard. It was also designed for DICOM data transfer between other hospitals.


