2024.05.15 (수)

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기상청 제공


MULTIMEDIA RELEASE -- Industry Breakthrough -- BMC Software Launches MyIT

Revolutionary New Enterprise Software Gives Employees Personalized, Localized Control Over the IT Services They Need

[By NBC-1TV E. H Kim]BMC Software (Nasdaq:BMC) today launched BMC MyIT, a revolutionary new enterprise software solution that empowers employees to take personal control over the delivery of the IT services and information they need -- anytime, anywhere, from any device. See the demo.

Speaking about the new solution, Abraham Galan, CIO at energy giant PEMEX, said: “PEMEX will be among the first companies in the world to deliver BMC Software‘s MyIT solution - in our case, that means more than 75,000 IT users. Employees are demanding a much better service experience than many IT organizations have been able to provide. PEMEX has been a leader in this area, and we believe that BMC’s MyIT will reduce our cost of service delivery and enable us to compete more effectively, both for markets and for talent. BMC MyIT is an extraordinary piece of software that represents exactly what IT organizations need today.”

Watch other customers talk about why they're excited about MyIT

Frustration with company IT departments is a widely shared communal experience. Forrester Research reports that just 35 percent of business decision-makers say IT provides “high quality, timely end user support.” What's more, employees are increasingly circumventing their IT organizations in search of faster IT support and problem resolution.

“The IT people and non-IT people sometimes talk two different languages, and it‘s hard to cross that barrier. In fact, a lot of times there’s this unfounded fear of IT because the users typically don‘t get the information they need, or don’t understand it when it is given to them,” said Robert Stinnett, senior analyst at Carfax. “MyIT solves this universal problem.”

The gap in expectations between enterprise IT organizations and employees also is evident in social media channels. A recent online search using Radian 6 showed more than 3.8 million posts emanating from individuals seeking help or expressing frustration regarding corporate IT issues they were experiencing -- in just one week.

“Today, in a powerful irony, an employee‘s personal IT experience is much better than their IT experience at work, yet they’re forced to relinquish the productive value of their personal IT when they go to work,” said Kia Behnia, BMC‘s chief technology officer. “The ’demand signal' for change from millions of company employees around the world is unmistakable. Employees want IT organizations that provide a modern ”store front“ for IT services and information delivery and a ”genius bar“ ability to manage and control the IT services and information they need to do their jobs. IT organizations must respond to this change, and MyIT is the bridge that connects their industrialized infrastructure with the needs and expectations of their fellow employees.”

Joe Pucciarelli, vice president and IT executive advisor at IDC, said: “The best consumer IT companies have taught people to expect a lot from their IT experience. In their personal lives, people experience IT in intensely personal, highly mobile, very productive ways. But as they cross the bridge from personal IT to enterprise IT, much of that is lost as companies strive to balance access with risk -- often without adequate resources. What employees receive instead is often compromised in comparison to what they have in their personal lives.”

“The result is what IDC calls IT Friction - the rising cost in both hard dollar costs and lost productivity as individuals struggle to use a combination of corporate, third-party and personal IT platforms across offices, homes, planes, trains and hotels,” Pucciarelli continued. “IDC believes IT Friction adds 10-20 percent to an employee‘s workload - that’s a material fraction of a typical work week that‘s lost to IT Friction. It’s easy to see why employees want a much more integrated, responsive and flexible computing experience. New technologies such as BMC Software's MyIT will be very popular with both IT departments and the employees they support.”


