2024.03.28 (목)

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기상청 제공


[방송]선진당 박현하 대변인, 대전시 정무부시장 내정

진취적이고 책임감있는 인물로 각인된 대변인

[NBC-1TV 정세희 기자]대전시 정무부시장에 박현하(51.자유선진당) 대변인이 내정됐다.

자유선진당 중앙당은 이 같은 사실을 20일 오후 정치부 기자들 전화들에게 문자로 공개했다. 이번에 발탁된 박 정무부시장은 연세대 행정대학원 졸업한 후, 자민련 청원군 당원협의회장을 거쳐 이회창 후보 선대위원회 부대변인과 자유선진당 대변인을 맡아 왔다.

박 정무부시장 주요 약력 ▲前 (주) MS 미디어 대표이사 ▲前 자민련 청원군 당원협의회 위원장 ▲前 이회창 대통령 후보 선대위원회 부대변인 ▲ 現 자유선진당 대변인

다음은 NBC-1TV 영어방송(2008년 4월 5일)에 보도된 박현하 부시장 내정자 Missing Voice, but Deserve to Listen Carefully [NBC-1TV]Comment by LFP to GNP's misconception

On April 5, 2008, Park, Hyun-ha, vice-spokesperson of Liberty Forward Party's election polling committee had a comment which was only catched by NBC-1TV.

He noted that Grand National Party(GNP) candidate Hong, Moon-pyo in the electorates Hongsung and Yesan of Chungcheong province has criticized that Liberty Forward Party(LFP) candidate Lee Hoi-chang has lied to the people in the electorates. While Lee said he is from Chungcheong, Hong urged that it was wrong because Lee was born in Hwanghae province

Park said that LFP wanted to ask GNP candidate Hong where his misconception came from, "It doesn't make sense at all. Based on his saying, it should be said that President Lee Myung-bak is from Japan because he was born there."

He pointed out that Yesan is the place where candidate Lee's ancestors and families have lived more than 300 years and there was no doubt to say candidate Lee is from Yesan.

He kept to express his concern over GNP candidate Hong's misconception which may bother voters' right choice and said that Hong should aware that it may even harm President Lee.

It was a pity that this comment by LFP didn't got much intention but it was the voice which deserved to listen carefully for everyone who runs for this election on April 9.


