2024.09.06 (금)

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기상청 제공


Poly Plant Project, Inc. Congratulates Hankook Silicon Company Ltd. as their World-Class Polysilicon Production Plant Reaches Nameplate Capacity

NBC-1TV World News

[By NBC-1TV H. J Yook]Poly Plant Project, Inc. (PPP), worldwide provider of advanced polysilicon production process technology and polysilicon production equipment systems used to produce high-purity polysilicon for the solar industry and semiconductor industry, today congratulates Hankook Silicon Company Ltd. (HKS) on their production plant reaching nameplate capacity of 3,200 metric tons per year (MTY) of high-purity polycrystalline silicon and on their long-term polysilicon supply agreement with Neo Solar Power Corp., in which Hankook Silicon Company Ltd. will deliver to them over 11,000 metric tons of polysilicon.

Hankook Silicon Company‘s polysilicon production plant is in Yeosu, Korea, in Jeolla province, and the plant is producing “solar grade polysilicon more than 99.99999% (7 9s) pure, good enough to be shipped to silicon wafer manufacturers” per the HKS website. In February 2010, more than 400 members of the photovoltaic industry were present to celebrate the opening of Hankook Silicon’s first phase polysilicon plant.

The plant‘s first phase, PS1, has a nameplate capacity of 3200 Metric Tons per Year and is the first step in Hankook Silicon’s goal to be a major provider of high-purity polysilicon to the world market. Hankook Silicon‘s plan is to produce 14,500 MTY of polysilicon by 2013. This first phase of Hankook Silicon’s polysilicon plant uses advanced Siemens process technology also known as Direct Chlorination. Poly Plant Project, Inc. provided a Process Technology Package for the process technology and a Basic Engineering Package for key equipment used in the plant. Poly Plant Project‘s deliverables included PPP’s design for the Fluidized Bed Reactor designed for the efficient production of trichlorosilane (TCS) which is a critical feedstock required to produce polysilicon. PPP also supplied key equipment and process technology in the form of a Basic Engineering Package for the production of high-purity polysilicon used in the plant‘s polysilicon deposition building. PPP’s high output Chemical Vapor Deposition Reactor systems together with the STC-to-TCS Thermal Converters combine to efficiently produce high-purity polysilicon and convert the silicon tetrachloride (STC) off-gas back into TCS for re-use in the production of polysilicon.

“We at Hankook Silicon are very proud of the world-class polysilicon production plant we have built. This plant puts HKS on track to meet our goals of being a key global polysilicon producer” said Soon-Kwang Youn, Chairman & CEO of Hankook Silicon Company Ltd. “We are very pleased to have chosen Poly Plant Project, Inc. as our partners. PPP has provided our company with an advanced package of engineering, process technology, key equipment and services that enabled our plant to produce high-purity polysilicon and reach nameplate capacity in a very short period of time.”

“Poly Plant Project, Inc. is very proud of Hankook Silicon Company Ltd. and their world-class polysilicon production plant and the complete range of process technology, key equipment and services PPP has provided to HKS,” said PPP‘s Chairman & CEO, Terry T. Kunimune. “Hankook Silicon Company has been very successful and their rapid progress is proof that PPP’s broad range of consulting, engineering, process technology, equipment and services enables PPP's customers to partner with one company together with their EPC to build safe, high-efficiency polycrystalline silicon production plants serving the PV renewable energy industry. I am very gratified to have been honored by Hankook Silicon Company Ltd. when they gave me a place of honor at their ceremony and I also received a special commendation on behalf of Poly Plant Project, Inc. for the support PPP provided to HKS.”

