2024.08.03 (토)

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기상청 제공


Xceedium's GateKeeper Achieves Common Criteria EAL4+ Certification

NBC-1TV World News

[By NBC-1TV H. J Yook]Xceedium Inc., the leader in Zero Trust Access Control solutions, today announced that its flagship solution -- GateKeeper Version 5.2.1 -- achieved Common Criteria certification at Evaluation Assurance Level 4 (EAL4+) under the Common Criteria Evaluation and Validation Scheme (CCEVS). As a result, government agencies can choose Gatekeeper to meet their security and compliance needs. Xceedium is the only Privileged Access Management provider to earn the highest level security certification.

GateKeeper Version 5.2.1 is one of only 112 total products to earn Common Criteria EAL4+ certification. The Common Criteria certification is the accepted security standard in 26 countries, including Singapore and South Korea. It provides a common framework for government agencies to evaluate security features and capabilities of information technology security products. EAL4+ is the highest assurance level that is recognized globally.

“EAL4+ is an industry game changer and gives government agencies an advantage as they deploy our award-winning GateKeeper solution to more effectively control the risk of privileged insider threat,” said Ken Ammon, chief strategy officer, Xceedium. “This certification validates Xceedium‘s commitment to providing its government customers with the world’s most secure solutions. We are proud to be the only Privileged Access Management provider to achieve this level of certification.”

GateKeeper is the only solution on the market today that allows government agencies and enterprises to control, contain and audit the activity of privileged users -- including employees, partners, consultants and IT administrators -- regardless of whether they originated from inside or outside of the network. Launched in February, GateKeeper Version 5.2.1 also integrates with the dominant remote access security solutions -- including Cisco ASA 5500 Series Adaptive Security Appliances, F5 FirePass® SSL VPN and Juniper SA Series SSL VPN Appliances.

Xceedium worked with Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC) to complete the certification. SAIC's Common Criteria testing laboratory is one of 10 accredited labs in the U.S. that is approved to help the Department of Defense (DoD) determine whether security products can be trusted.

