2024.09.03 (화)

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  • 구름조금금산 24.4℃
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기상청 제공


EBACE 2011: Bombardier Aerospace Releases Annual Aircraft Market Forecasts

NBC-1TV World News

[By NBC-1TV H. J Yook]Today, Bombardier Aerospace released its annual aircraft market forecasts for the business and commercial aircraft markets.

While both business and commercial aircraft were affected by the recession, business aircraft industry indicators are trending upwards, and the commercial aircraft market is seeing the beginning of a market recovery. China, India and other developing regions are leading the global industry recovery and are expected to capture an increasingly important share of industry orders in both the business and commercial aircraft markets.

“In 2011, we mark our 25th anniversary in the aerospace industry, and innovation has been a key driver of our successes during the last quarter century,” said Guy C. Hachey, President and Chief Operating Officer, Bombardier Aerospace. “We are confident in our future, and as the market continues to recover, we are building on our strong commitment to innovation and reinforcing our leadership position in commercial and business aviation.”

“Maintaining our focus on new product development, such as the Learjet 85 and CSeries aircraft, the Global Vision flight deck, and the recently launched Global 7000 and Global 8000 business jets, and successfully delivering products that meet the needs of our customers, such as the CRJ1000 NextGen aircraft, will help us emerge from the recession at the forefront of our industry,” said Mairead Lavery, Vice President, Strategy, Business Development and Structured Finance, Bombardier Aerospace.

