2024.07.15 (월)

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기상청 제공


Samsung Kicks-Off Its London 2012 Campaign ‘Everyone’s Olympic Games’ With Ambassador David Beckham

NBC-1TV World News

[By NBC-1TV H. J Yook]Today, Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd, a market leader in consumer electronics and Worldwide Olympic Partner in the wireless communications equipment category, launches its London 2012 Olympic Games campaign alongside Samsung’s Global Olympic Games Ambassador David Beckham at London’s East Wintergarden. The event signifies the launch of Samsung’s overall Olympic campaign, including its Torchbearer nomination campaign, to the general public. Samsung hopes to select from more nominees than ever before to carry the Olympic Flame as it travels the UK in 2012. To kick off the process, David Beckham announced Gabriella Roseje, as Samsung’s first nomination for a bearer of the Olympic Flame.

As an Olympic Torch Relay Presenting Partner, Samsung is selecting a significant proportion of the 8,000 Olympic Torchbearers. To deliver the kick off, David Beckham, in his role as Samsung Global Olympic Games Ambassador, announced Samsung’s first London 2012 Olympic Torchbearer nominee. Receiving the honour was 18 year old sportswoman Gabriella Roseje from Bermondsey, London. Ms Roseje was commended by Samsung and Mr. Beckham for her outstanding work with young people from disadvantaged backgrounds using her sporting talent.

David Beckham commented: “Gabriella is an impressive and inspiring person. Not only is she successful in her own right, she willingly supports and helps those around her. Gabriella stands out for all the right reasons. I’m proud to nominate her as Samsung’s first Olympic Torchbearer. The nomination campaign aims to give the unsung heroes in communities across the world their chance to shine in the London 2012 Olympic Torch Relay – it’s Everyone’s Olympic Games. Gabriella is perfect example of the kind of qualities we are looking for in a person to run with the Olympic Flame.”

Commenting on her nomination as Torchbearer, Gabriella Roseje said; “I am so excited to be chosen by Samsung and David Beckham to become Samsung’s first London 2012 Torchbearer nominee. My goal is to make a real difference by helping others realise that it’s not where you are from in life that’s important but where you can go. I don’t believe I am any different from anyone else, but I do believe that everyone can offer something. I hope my nomination inspires others to nominate someone they think goes the extra mile; to be a Samsung Olympic Games Torchbearer.”

Mr. Gyehyun Kwon, Vice President and Head of Worldwide Sports Marketing, Samsung Electronics said: “Gabriella is an inspiration to us all.“ Presenting Samsung’s ambition for London 2012, Mr. Kwon continued, ”Throughout the many years of Samsung’s support for the Olympic Games, our role has evolved to become an integral part of the viewing experience, an achievement that will continue up to and throughout London 2012 in our campaign, ‘Everyone’s Olympic Games’. We have created a host of exciting opportunities to involve as many people as possible, in an unforgettable global experience."

Samsung is also unveiling its new logo for the Olympic Games, known as the Samsung Olympic Visual Identity System (SOVIS). The design, developed exclusively for Samsung by award winning artist Kate Moross will roll out across all Samsung Olympic campaign and advertising including the Olympic Torch Relay. The SOVIS appearance signifies an open invitation from Samsung to the general public for them to be involved in the Olympic Games, also reflecting Samsung’s London 2012 theme, ‘Everyone’s Olympic Games’. The intention is to create a festival-like atmosphere everywhere it is shown. Samsung also introduced its plans for the Samsung Mobile Explorer program, through which people will be invited to share and spread the excitement of the Olympic Games, by inviting young minded and inspiring individuals from all over the world to experience London 2012 using Samsung’s smart technology.

Samsung has been associated with the Olympic Games for almost 25 years and has been the Official Wireless Telecommunications Partner since 1998. Recognising Samsung’s involvement in the 2012 Games Seb Coe, Chair of LOCOG, the Organising Committee of the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games said: “Samsung’s Olympic Torch Relay campaign really fits in with our vision of ensuring that everyone can become an active participant and help deliver the London 2012 Games. I hope that the nomination of Gabriella inspires many people to think about others who have gone beyond their personal best and demonstrated true Olympic qualities and nominate them to carry the Torch in 2012.”

