2024.07.15 (월)

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기상청 제공


OPNET Recognized in the ‘Leaders’ Quadrant of the Magic Quadrant for Application Performance Monitoring

NBC-1TV World News

[By NBC-1TV H. J Yook]OPNET Technologies, Inc. (Nasdaq:OPNT) today announced it has been positioned by Gartner, Inc. in the “Leaders” quadrant of the “Magic Quadrant for Application Performance Monitoring” published on September 19, 2011, and written by Will Cappelli and Jonah Kowall. Gartner evaluated 29 vendors in the report.

OPNET‘s solutions for application performance management dramatically accelerate problem resolution, enable problem prevention, and improve the efficiency of both IT infrastructure and IT staff resources. The report considered the solutions in OPNET’s APM Xpert™ suite, including:

· AppResponse Xpert™ uniquely combines end-user experience monitoring and in-depth analysis of the behavior and performance of the underlying network. It leverages the network's central role as a conduit for data and transactions to obtain complete visibility of IT services across the enterprise. Real-time on-board analytics determine which components in the application infrastructure are contributing most to delays.

· AppInternals Xpert™ looks deep into the complex software frameworks of modern applications, leveraging vast amounts of performance and forensic data to support all aspects of service assurance from the server perspective. It performs high definition monitoring, forensic data collection for all transactions, and powerful analytics for any type of application, and excels in particular in Java and Microsoft .NET environments.

· AppMapper Xpert™ automatically produces a run-time application map, identifying the underlying application and infrastructure components that enable a production application. It leverages a rich repository of operational data obtained from OPNET solutions and instrumentation already deployed for performance management.

· AppTransaction Xpert™ and AppTransaction Xpert Packet Trace Warehouse provide centralized management and in-depth analysis of transaction forensics collected across the enterprise.

· AppSQL Xpert™ provides deep visibility into database performance through real-time monitoring of a broad range of metrics, with drilldowns to fine-grained forensic database transaction data for troubleshooting. It performs detailed tracking of database usage for trending and performance optimization. AppSQL Xpert offers an agentless approach that imposes zero overhead on database operation.

· AppSensor Xpert™ uses agentless, remote instrumentation to capture additional performance information from all types of infrastructure components, including servers, application components, network devices, storage systems, and manufacturer-specific management systems. It supplies this data to OPNET's APM solution suite for a more complete picture of end-to-end application performance.

“We believe OPNET introduced significant new APM capabilities that were evaluated in this year’s ‘Magic Quadrant for Application Performance Monitoring’,” stated Alain Cohen, President and CTO of OPNET. “These include groundbreaking solutions for application dependency mapping, end-to-end transaction following combined with deep tracing, cloud-capable virtual appliances and agents, and advanced analytics for automated troubleshooting. Together with OPNET’s outstanding market share growth, we believe this latest report by Gartner confirms that OPNET is a leading innovator in this space, delivering a robust suite of well-integrated solutions to address all the functional components of APM – solutions that are technologically among the best in our industry.”

