2024.07.30 (화)

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  • 구름많음강화 24.7℃
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  • 구름조금경주시 27.3℃
  • 맑음거제 26.8℃
기상청 제공


KaMin LLC Announces Agreement to Purchase Majority Ownership Position in Brazilian Kaolin Operator CADAM S.A.

NBC-1TV World News

[By NBC-1TV H. J Yook]KaMin LLC is pleased to announce its acquisition of a majority equity position in CADAM S.A. and its subsidiaries. CADAM's production facilities are located in Brazil next to some of the highest quality kaolin reserves in the world. CADAM and its operating subsidiaries produce and supply fine particle size kaolin to the premium coated paper producers across the world.

“This acquisition represents our continued investment in kaolin products that deliver value to our customers”, stated Harlan Archer, President of KaMin. “Our combined production and logistics capabilities allow us to improve our ability to address our customer's technical needs and delivered cost expectations to all regions of the world.”

Rankin Hobbs, CEO of KaMin commented, “We believe that fine particle clays are one of the keys to our customers producing high quality, low cost coated paper. CADAM‘s products complement KaMin’s in both the quality of the products and regions served allowing our combined companies to ensure we can deliver value to customers across the world and they in turn can meet their customer's needs. We also know that the key to success of both companies has been the level of service the people of KaMin and CADAM have provided their customers. We will ensure our customers across the world receive the same high quality service to which they have become accustomed.”

KaMin and CADAM both supply premium kaolin clays to the paper industry. KaMin‘s products also serve many non-paper applications including ink, rubber, plastics, adhesives and paints. “We look forward to working with CADAM to enhance their offerings to other markets beyond paper and believe that in doing so we will be able to deliver value to CADAM’s shareholders and customers”, stated Doug Carter, Vice President Technology and Business Development.

“We are excited about KaMin's decision to invest in CADAM”, stated Joao Duarte Neto, Sales Director for CADAM. “Our product offerings and customer base are complimentary and we believe our existing customers will see benefits from our combined efforts and that we will be able to develop new customers outside our traditional paper markets.”

