2024.07.19 (금)

  • 맑음동두천 23.0℃
  • 구름많음강릉 27.7℃
  • 박무서울 24.3℃
  • 대전 23.3℃
  • 흐림대구 24.6℃
  • 흐림울산 24.5℃
  • 흐림광주 23.2℃
  • 흐림부산 24.9℃
  • 흐림고창 23.4℃
  • 제주 25.8℃
  • 구름조금강화 23.0℃
  • 흐림보은 23.2℃
  • 흐림금산 23.1℃
  • 구름많음강진군 23.5℃
  • 흐림경주시 26.4℃
  • 흐림거제 24.0℃
기상청 제공


American Wave Machines, Inc. Awarded Contract for Surf Pool in Sochi, Russia, Site of the 2014 Olympics

PerfectSwell(TM) Surf Pool Opening Fall 2012 at Sheksna Resort

[By NBC-1TV H. J Yook]American Wave Machines, Inc. (AWM), world leader in artificial wave technology for the emerging surf parks market, announces their selection as supplier of a 35,000 square foot PerfectSwell™ Model 1672 wave pool for the Sheksna Resort, nominated as Russia's Leading Spa Resort by World Travel Awards.

PerfectSwell is an entirely new approach to generating large waves in pools with the emphasis on wave quality and the surfing experience. With no moving parts in the water, sophisticated computer controls modulate wave shape, ride duration, frequency and energy efficiency. Analogous to a phased array design, PerfectSwell wave size is unlimited. Three simultaneously barreling waves across the width of the pool can be generated at intervals as short as six seconds.

The system includes innovative sanitation and a green heating system extending the operating season with no additional energy usage. “For my resort, I want a pool that will cater to active families and allow them to learn to surf. The design is great for contests, events, and shows,” said owner Victor Lipukhin. “AWM has provided excellent project support working with my local requirements.”

“This is a great opportunity for my company to work with a visionary client focused on his customers‘ quality of experience,” said Bruce McFarland, President of AWM. “PerfectSwell completely changes the economics of surf parks. We’re ramping up to deploy systems worldwide including in the resurgent U.S. market.”

