2024.07.23 (화)

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  • 흐림부산 27.2℃
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  • 구름많음보은 26.5℃
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  • 흐림강진군 26.1℃
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  • 흐림거제 27.5℃
기상청 제공


Arkadin Announces Global Reseller Agreement With Adobe for Adobe Connect

Advanced Audio Capabilities Pair With Enterprise Web Conferencing for a More Robust Unified Collaboration Solution

[By NBC-1TV H. J Yook]Arkadin, one of the world‘s largest collaboration services providers, announced today a global reseller distribution agreement with Adobe Systems Incorporated that enables Arkadin to sell the complete Adobe® Connect™ enterprise offering. The agreement extends Arkadin’s existing relationship with Adobe beyond the Arkadin™ Oneplace meeting solution, which is based on the Adobe Connect platform.

Adobe® Connect™ is a market-leading web conferencing solution for web meetings, eLearning, and webinars. It powers mission critical web conferencing solutions end-to-end, on virtually any device, and enables organizations from leading corporations to the U.S. Department of Defense to fundamentally improve productivity. Users can easily drive ad-hoc meetings, webinars, or virtual classrooms from smartphones, tablets or desktops alike. IT organizations can deploy Adobe Connect in a private or public cloud to help balance security and control with ease of management and fast, scalable deployment with low upfront investment.

Arkadin will extend its comprehensive audio conferencing capabilities across the complete enterprise platform to include the Adobe Connect eLearning and webinar modules. The hybrid audio integration provides a seamless audio and web conferencing experience and the flexibility to join conferences with VOIP or standard telephony.

“We are excited to add Arkadin to the Adobe Connect reseller community,” says Arun Anantharaman, vice president and general manager of Adobe. “Arkadin provides unique expertise in delivering integrated audio, video and web conferencing services with local-language teams in 29 countries. This will help customers quickly and cost-effectively deploy global collaboration, e-learning and webinar solutions based on Adobe Connect.”

“We are very pleased to expand our relationship with Adobe to offer their full enterprise web conferencing solution,” says Olivier de Puymorin, CEO and founder of Arkadin. “Adobe offers an unparalleled user experience resulting in rapid adoption throughout the enterprise. Together with our integrated audio platform, our large business customers now have a robust all-in-one unified collaboration solution for all their needs.”

