2024.12.21 (토)

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기상청 제공

JCE Launches ‘Rule the Sky’ Social Game for iPhone

NBC-1TV World News

[By NBC-1TV H. J Yook]A global game company, JCE (President: Song In-su) announced the launch on April 19 of its new social network game ‘Rule the Sky,’ in Korean, English, Japanese and Chinese (traditional/simplified character) versions through Apple's App Stores. The Company will add German, French and Spanish versions in May.

‘Rule the Sky’ is a mobile social network game that can be played with friends moving around their islands with the primary concept of cultivating ‘Flotia,’ my own island floating in the sky.

As the first farm-operating social games against the backdrop of ‘islands floating in the sky,’ features of ‘Rule the Sky’ are differentiated based on new spatial background, animation-like charming graphics, game play where cooperation and competition co-exist, and social actions. Notably, it is visually refined as images turn clearer rather than being blurred when they are enlarged.

Gamers can freely fly from their own ‘Flotia’ to friends' islands aboard an airship. So, users can play games enjoying a clip of animation. As warm colors are added to high quality, charming and detailed graphics, the new game is expected to appeal particularly to women users.

The new game provides more diversified social activities with friends. In the game, users can grow crops together with friends or steal crops produced by friends, enjoying cooperation and competition at the same time. It also added the fun of ‘listing ranks of friends’ in social activities. And the game maximized engagement by changing features in day time and evening, while providing beautiful and cheerful sound.

Vice President Yun Byeong-ho of JCE said, “In test service, ‘Rule the Sky’ has already received favorable response from overseas users. The new mobile social game is expected to present a new fun to users across the world.”


