2024.08.05 (월)

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기상청 제공


Samsung’s Premium Smartphone GALAXY S II Features Corning Gorilla Glass

NBC-1TV World News

[By NBC-1TVH. J Yook]Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd., a leading mobile phone provider, and Corning Incorporated (NYSE: GLW), a world leader in specialty glass and ceramics, announced today that Corning Gorilla Glass has been designed into the GALAXY S II, Samsung Electronics’ most powerful smartphone.

The Samsung GALAXY S II, launched at February’s Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, Spain, is a dual-core-smartphone powered by the Android™ 2.3 (Gingerbread) platform, and packed with rich multimedia and data communication features. Thin, lightweight Corning Gorilla Glass, used as a damage-resistant cover, helps enable the sleek-yet-durable mobile design of Samsung GALAXY S II.

Continuing a tradition of 160 years of innovation in materials science and technology, Corning Gorilla Glass is an environmentally friendly glass designed specifically to function as a cover glass for high-end display devices such as smartphones, tablets, notebook PCs, and televisions.

Hankil Yoon, Vice President of Smartphone Product Planning, Samsung Electronics, said “GALAXY S II features the next-generation Super-AMOLED-Plus in strikingly slim and modern design, taking Samsung’s leadership in mobile screen technology to a whole new level. Corning Gorilla Glass has enabled super-slim mobility on the high-quality touch display on GALAXY S II.”

“Corning Gorilla Glass has now become the leading strengthened glass standard for the continuously evolving mobile device market.” added James R. Steiner, senior vice president and general manager, Corning Specialty Materials. “Following last year’s cooperation on the GALAXY S and GALAXY Tab, we are excited to provide Corning’s unparalleled glass expertise for GALAXY S II.”

Gorilla Glass is a thin-and light-weight material which supports the seamless full-glass fronts of the most sophisticated device designs. Because it is strengthened at the molecular level, its ability to resist damage creates a performance advantage over other cover materials.

