2024.08.04 (일)

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  • 구름조금대구 28.2℃
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  • 구름조금광주 27.4℃
  • 구름조금부산 28.5℃
  • 구름조금고창 26.3℃
  • 맑음제주 29.7℃
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  • 맑음보은 24.8℃
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  • 구름조금경주시 27.4℃
  • 맑음거제 28.6℃
기상청 제공


AMD Fusion Accelerated Processing Units Win 2011 Best Choice of COMPUTEX TAIPEI Award

NBC-1TV World News

[By NBC-1TV H. J Yook]AMD (NYSE: AMD) is awarded today with the highest industry honor, “2011 Best Choice of Computex TAIPEI Award” for its Fusion Accelerated Processing Units (APUs) in the Computer & System category. The award is given by Taipei Computer Association, a key player in IT industry and exhibition in Taiwan, and appraised by a panel of government representatives, academicians, research analysts, oversea media, editors-in-chief and industry experts.

AMD Fusion APUs offer a brand-new approach to processor design and better address users‘ needs to handle more demanding workloads and visual computing in a small form factor device with long battery life. Only AMD Fusion APUs are engineered to deliver powerful CPU and GPU compute capabilities in a single-die processor for today’s HD video, 3D and data-intensive workloads for anyone looking for a richer visual computing experience whenever, wherever they want.

“We are honored to receive this prestigious award from the Taipei Computer Association, which is a manifestation of our efforts and excellence in AMD Fusion APUs,” said Andy Tseng, AMD Corporate Vice President and Taiwan General Manager. “AMD Fusion APUs are already widely recognized within the industry for being creative and innovative. This award proves the importance of listening to our customers and designing breakthrough products around their needs.”

Best Choice of COMPUTEX TAIPEI Award has recognized achievements in product design and technology innovation since 2002; it's one of the important official events during COMPUTEX TAIPEI, the second largest ICT exhibition worldwide. Through reviews, the jury selected outstanding design and cutting-edge technology across 10 product categories.

AMD and other awarded products will be demonstrated at Best Choice Award Pavilion by Taipei Computer Association at the upcoming 2011 Computex Exhibition. In addition, AMD's products showcase will be located at Booth# L0617 in the TWTC Nangang Exhibition Hall. For more information on AMD 2011 Computex, please visit our event portal.

For developers interested in learning more about APUs and heterogeneous computing, AMD will be holding its first AMD Fusion Developer Summit (AFDS) from June 13-16 in Bellevue, Washington. Summit participants will be able to engage in interactive sessions and hands-on labs to deepen their knowledge of advanced CPU and GPU programmability, and gain a better understanding of how software applications can take full advantage of the parallel processing power of APUs, bringing supercomputer-like performance to everyday computing tasks.

