[NBC-1TV 김종우 기자]수면의학 벤처기업인 수면과건강(대표 황청풍)은 전북방문의 해를 맞이하여 사회적기업 노매드와 공동으로 11일에서 12일까지 1박2일 동안 전주한옥마을과 완주군 모악산에 위치한 안덕마을에서 숙면여행 힐링캠프을 실시한다. 수면과건강 황청풍 대표는 “전북방문의 해를 맞아 전북의 아름다움을 알리고, 코골이와 수면장애로 고통 받는 분들을 위해서 기획하였다"며 "휴식과 치유, 관광을 함께할 수 있는 힐링여행으로 아주 특별한 체험이 될 것”이라고 말했다. 이번 힐링여행의 일정은 전주한옥마을 관광과 전주한정식 체험을 한 후 완주군 안덕마을의 황토로 지어진 힐링캠프에서 1박을 하며 한의사의 상담과 전문가의 강의를 갖고 수면밸런스 검사와 수면장애의 원인을 찾아 편안한 숙면을 위한 다양한 해법을 제시하낟.수면과건강은 호흡과 경추를 개선하는 제품을 개발해 전국의 수면전문 병의원은 물론 일반 소비자들에게 공급하는 수면의학 벤처기업이다.
[NBC-1TV E. H Kim]A contact lens manufacturer, Neo Vision (CEO Kyung-Hwa Kim, www.neolens.co.kr) stated that “we have developed a new ‘Internal Absorption Technology’ which interfuses pigment inside the lens”. Recently, as the use of color lens increases, the interest in safe contact lens is also increasing. Especially in case of some low price lens which prints out pigment directly on the outer surface, it is known that the pigment directly touching cornea may cause pigmentation making the safety in using color lens come to the fore. Neo Vision has released products applied with N.S, Nano San
[NBC-1TV H. J Yook]The 16th International Congress of Oriental Medicine will be held on Sep 14th (Fri) - 16th (Sun), 2012 at COEX in Seoul co-hosted by organizing committee of the World Traditional Medicine Expo 2013 and the International Society of Oriental Medicine (ISOM) and organized by the Association of Korean Medicine (AKOM). The congress on “The Future of Medicine, Traditional Medicine” will review the value of traditional medicine and find the right place of it in global health cooperated with WHO and Ministry of Health and Welfare of Korea. The International Congress of Oriental Medi
الشرقي على مدار ثلاثة أيام تبدأ من 14 مارس الموافق يوم (الجمعة) ويستمر حتى 16 الموافق (الأحد) في مركز COEX بالعاص&
[NBC-1TVユクヒェジョン記者]第16回国際東洋医学会学術大会が、厚生省主催、国際東洋医学会(ISOM)および韓国韓医学会(AKOM)の企画により、ソウルのCOEXで9月14日(金)~16日(日)の3日間にわたって開催されます。 東洋医学の中心として、韓国が東洋医学の地位確立を目指す ICOMでは、伝統医学の科学体系化と、エビデンスベースの医学としての東洋医学に関する啓もうという目標を掲げて、1976年にソウルで開催された第1回学会以来、2~3年ごとに学会を開催しています。この学会は、伝統医学分野では、世界でももっとも長い歴史を誇っています。 特に韓国の東洋医
[By NBC-1TV H. J Yook]Taeyeon Medical (CEO Gil-Woon Choi, www.tymedical.com), specialized Orthopedic implant, is promoting establishment of a joint venture with the Harbin city government of China and Ling Ju Li Group for Chinese market. Taeyeon Medical announced that “[We] have agreed to establish a factory in China for efficient Chinese market entry and medical certificate, preparing to sign an agreement with the vice mayor and chairman of Harbin Economic and Technological Development Zone and Ling Ju Li Group in charge of sales and marketing.” Once establishment of the joint venture is comp
[By NBC-1TV E. H Kim]World-renowned female electrophysiologists Professor Ellen Hoffmann and Professor Jeanne E. Poole are scheduled to chair the BIOTRONIK supported EPIC Alliance (Electrophysiologist International Community) scientific session at the Cardiostim 2012, 18th World Congress in Nice, France, on June 15. The session will include electrophysiology-related presentations made by leading female physicians and researchers from around the world. Topics will include “Atrial Fibrillation Ablation: Beyond Pulmonary Vein Isolation” and "Controversies in Lead Extractions for Noninfectious Ind
[By NBC-1TV E. H Kim]The International Vaccine Institute (IVI), an international organization devoted to research in vaccine development and introduction for the developing world, will hold its “Annual International Advanced Course on Vaccinology in the Asia-Pacific Region” during May 14-19, 2012 at its headquarters in Seoul, Korea. Now in its 12th year, the popular week-long course was the first-ever vaccinology course of its kind in the Asia-Pacific region. The course aims to build capacity of health professionals, especially those from developing countries, in all areas of the vaccine spect