2024.12.15 (일)

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World News

WT President, Senegalese NOC, Discuss Possibilities ahead of 2026 Youth Olympic Games

NBC-1TV World News

[By NBC-1TV K, Y Yi] DAKAR, Senegal (Mar 2, 2023) – World Taekwondo (WT) President Chungwon Choue joined a press conference hosted by International Olympic Committee (IOC) Member and President of the Senegalese National Olympic and Sports Committee Mamadou Ndiaye in Dakar, Senegal, on March 2.

Their discussion included WT and Taekwondo Humanitarian Foundation (THF) activities for refugees worldwide. 

Another key discussion addressed at the press conference was Senegal’s potential hosting of the 2026 World Taekwondo Junior Championships, and the Qualification Tournament for the Youth Olympic Games in the same year.

With the 2026 Youth Olympics set to be held in Dakar, Senegal – the first time an Olympic event has been held in Africa - the Senegalese NOC is strongly behind the additional possibilities discussed with Choue.

Taekwondo is on a surge at the Youth Olympic Games.

The quota for Taekwondo athletes at Dakar 2026 has been increased from 100 to 120 following the success of the competition at the last Youth Olympic Games in Buenos Aires, Argentina. A mixed-team event will also take place at Dakar 2026 for the first time, in addition to five individual weight categories each for male and female athletes.

After the press conference, Choue and WT Secretary General Jeongkang Seo visited the Monument de la Renaissance where a demonstration was performed by the Senegal Taekwondo Federation.


