2025.02.13 (목)

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기상청 제공

World News

Successful WT Coach-Referee Joint Training Camp for Paris 2024 staged in Muju

NBC-1TV World News

[By NBC-1TV K, Y Yi]  MUJU, Korea (May 14, 2024) - The World Taekwondo Coach-Referee Joint Training Camp for the Paris 2024 Olympic Games has successfully concluded for 32 coaches and 26 international referees in Muju Taekwondowon, Korea.


With less than 100 days to go until the start of the Olympic Games, the three-day event provided an important opportunity for all participants to learn fully about some of the technological innovations in use to ensure the Taekwondo competition runs smoothly and safely. It was promoted by World Taekwondo and organised by the Taekwondo Promotion Foundation. and included sessions led by World Taekwondo Council Member & Technical Delegate for Paris 2024 Mohamed Shaaban, Referee Committee Chair Songchul Kim and Medical & Anti-Doping Committee Chair Dr. Dae Hyoun Jeong. 


Referees and coaches were informed about the Instant Video Replay (IVR) system and ways it can be used effectively, including several scenarios for the participants to discuss. Presentations were also delivered on the Protector Scoring System (PSS) and the 4D Replay System. The introduction of these systems to Taekwondo in recent years has helped to safeguard the fairness and integrity of competitions, and the Training Camp ensured all referees and coaches are well-versed in their operation.


The Camp also included sessions on Paris 2024’s Medical Service and Emergency Situation and Integrity Education, both of which ensure athlete safety and well-being remains of paramount importance for all referees and coaches.


After the formal education-based sessions, those in attendance actively participated in Game Management and Scoring Simulations. Significant time was devoted to this activity on Monday (13 May) and Tuesday (14 May), to give referees and coaches the opportunity to apply what they had learned and ensure familiarity with the systems in place during Taekwondo competition at the Olympic Games.


There were additionally separate sessions devoted specifically to referees and to coaches. Referees practiced and simulated hand signals, while coaches discussed actions for post-Paris.


The Paris 2024 Taekwondo Sports Manager Mehdi Bensafi was also present at the camp. During his presentation, he outlined preparation for Paris 2024, including logistics such as arrival and departure, accommodation arrangements, and accreditation process. 


Technical Delegate for Paris 2024, Mohamed Shaaban said. 

The World Taekwondo Coach-Referee Joint Training Camp represents a significant occasion, inspiring discussions among participants to address key challenges and achieve consensus on matters pertaining to the Olympic Games. It also provides and excellent platform for coaches and referees to work together, fostering inclusivity and pursuing a common objective: the success of Taekwondo at the upcoming Olympics, in alignment with our federation and president's vision as one Taekwondo family worldwide. We are thrilled for the approaching Olympic Games in Paris and have full confidence in its success.



