2024.08.02 (금)

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기상청 제공


RFaxis Enhances Its RFeIC Products With First Ever Pure CMOS On-Die Coexistence Filter Technology

NBC-1TV World News

[By NBC-1TV H. J Yook]RFaxis, a fabless semiconductor company focused on innovative, next-generation RF solutions for the wireless connectivity and cellular/mobility markets, today announced its new patent-pending On-Die Coexistence Filter technology as the latest addition to RFaxis‘ comprehensive intellectual property (IP) portfolio and design know-how. This On-Die Coexistence Filter technology, when combined with RFaxis’ on-die transmit circuitry, is the only solution of its kind designed to significantly reduce printed circuit board (PCB) size, current consumption and bill of materials (BOM) costs, while enhancing the performance of multifunction WLAN/Bluetooth/WCDMA cellular devices such as smartphones, tablets and other mobile internet devices.

“Conventional coexistence filters are bulky and expensive standalone components, and have always been a challenge for multifunction cellular device OEMs and ODMs in terms of lowering BOM costs, optimizing wireless performance and accelerating design cycles,” stated Mike Neshat, chairman and CEO of RFaxis. “Our new On-Die Coexistence Filter is the only solution of its kind today, and eliminates the need for yet another external companion component for the cellular RF Front-end. With our latest innovation, not only do we continue driving down overall BOM and engineering costs for our customers, but we also expand our capabilities for designing and optimizing comprehensive off-the-shelf CMOS RF Front-end subsystems for multifunctional cellular devices.”

Dr. Oleksandr Gorbachov, RFaxis CTO, adds, “By integrating our new Coexistence Filter technology into our CMOS RFeIC single-die circuits for multifunctional cellular devices, RFaxis is able to reduce transmit power loss by at least 1.5dB at the antenna, significantly improve receive sensitivity, and substantially reduce current consumption by tens of milliamps. Simply stated, this translates into extended battery life and robust performance while saving PCB real estate.”

Neshat concludes, “Based on requirements from key players, our new Coexistence Filter technology has been very well received, and is yet another exciting manifestation of our commitment to RF innovation and our resolve to address design challenges faced by mobile device makers.”


