2024.07.01 (월)

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기상청 제공


New Business Win: Ingersoll Rand Selects Callidus Software Monaco On Demand Suite to Drive Sales Performance

NBC-1TV World News

[By NBC-1TV H. J Yook]Callidus Software Inc. (NASDAQ: CALD), the leader in Sales Performance Management (SPM), announced today that Ingersoll Rand, a world leader in creating and sustaining safe, comfortable and efficient environments, has selected the Callidus Monaco On Demand Sales Performance Management suite to optimize the performance of its global sales organization. The agreement was signed in the second quarter of 2011.

Ingersoll Rand will deploy the Monaco SPM on demand suite end-to-end to manage the sales talent lifecycle needs of its global sales force, including: Callidus' TrueComp® Manager, Quota Management, Objective Management, Sales Communications, and Reporting & Analytics solutions.

The Monaco SPM suite allows companies to harness the power of incentives and sales performance intelligence to successfully execute on corporate sales growth goals. The solution will enable the business to:

· Rapidly deploy targeted incentives, key sales objectives (KSOs), bonuses, and sales contests to align the sales force with critical corporate growth targets
· Drive sales agility based on new product strategies and changing market conditions
· Consolidate all sales and financial performance results data in one place with real time access to drive informed go-to-market decisions

The top sales forces in the world rely on Callidus' solutions including 6 of the top 10 insurance organizations, 4 out of the top 10 banks, 7 out of the top 10 global high tech companies, 5 out of the top 10 telecommunications companies, and 5 out of the top 10 pharmaceutical companies.

Callidus Software's award-winning solutions manage the entire sales talent lifecycle from onboarding, to incentives and rewards, to coaching and performance optimization, while providing visibility into operations and financial performance. This gives customers the ability to align their sales force and channels with their key business objectives to consistently and reliably execute on sales targets. The software is used by leading companies in a broad range of verticals including high-tech, telecommunications, banking, insurance, and pharmaceuticals. Since its inception nearly 15 years ago, the company has evolved into the most experienced, proven, and reliable SPM vendor in the marketplace. Callidus Software manages over $50 billion in incentives and compensation for more than two million payees across the globe.


