2024.07.01 (월)

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기상청 제공


Increased Sustainability Achievements by STMicroelectronics in 2010

NBC-1TV World News

[By NBC-1TV H. J Yook]STMicroelectronics (NYSE: STM), a global semiconductor leader serving customers across the spectrum of electronics applications, has published its annual Sustainability Report. Entitled “Our Culture of Sustainable Excellence in Practice”, the report provides comprehensive details of ST’s Sustainability strategy, policies and performance during 2010 and illustrates how ST embeds sustainability into its business practices to create value for all of its stakeholders. Key commitments and achievements include a record safety performance that puts ST among the worldwide leaders in this field and a commitment to have 100% of ST products eco-designed by 2015.

Sustainability remained one of ST’s key priorities in 2010, as in previous years, and was integrated even more thoroughly into the overall company strategy, including a strong focus on responsible products. As a result, ST continued to be included in all of the top five sustainability indices and received awards from its customer Nokia and the European Institute of Purchasing Management for its unswerving commitment to Sustainable Development. Highlights of 2010 included record performance in safety; further extension of the corporate Health Plan, which has now provided over 260,000 medical examinations for ST employees over a four year time span, a reduction of energy consumption per production unit of 30% compared to 2009, and the introduction of a dedicated EnergyLite™ microcontroller platform designed to minimize power consumption in a wide range of applications.

“2010 has been a record year for ST also in terms of Sustainability achievements, focused on our employees, our customers, and all our stakeholders,” said Carlo Bozotti, President and Chief Executive Officer of STMicroelectronics. “This is further proof of our long-standing position that integrating sustainability and responsibility into our business activities is not a cost burden but a recipe for even greater success. We will continue to follow this path with the objective to be recognized as a world leader in innovation for sustainable development through excellence in our people, our products, the environment and the community. In this way, we are helping our customers to help make the world a better place at every level: enriching peoples’ lives, making society work better, and helping to preserve the planet.”

2010 was also an extremely successful year for the ST Foundation’s Digital Unify (DU) program, which aims to bridge the gap between those people who have access to IT technologies and those who have not by providing free computer training and access to the internet. In 2010, the DU program exceeded the symbolic threshold of 100,000 cumulative beneficiaries worldwide.

The report clearly demonstrates the scope and success of ST’s Sustainability strategy, which is designed in line with its Sustainable Excellence culture to implement ST’s determination to balance and respond to stakeholders’ expectations in the short and longer terms to make the Company ‘sustainable’ – successful now and in the future – and enable it to contribute to sustainable development at a global level. Originating as a fusion of TQM (Total Quality Management) culture and ST’s pioneering work since the early 1990s in the field of environmental responsibility, Sustainable Excellence has evolved over the years to embrace every aspect of corporate responsibility and is increasingly deeply integrated into every level of the Company’s activities.

The Sustainability report, which complies with the disclosure guidelines of the Global Reporting Initiative and the United Nations Global Compact, is available on ST’s website along with further information about the ST’s sustainability approach and the previous reports covering ST’s long term commitment to sustainable development.


