2024.07.15 (월)

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기상청 제공


AMCHAM Hosts “Green Building Forum 2011”

NBC-1TV World News

[By NBC-1TV H. J Yook]The American Chamber of Commerce in Korea (hereafter “AMCHAM”) hosted its second Green Building Forum entitled "50% Higher Energy Efficiency at the Same Construction Cost - How?" on Tuesday, November 1st, at Seoul Grand Intercontinental Hotel.

Following on last year’s success, this year's Green Building Forum 2011 provided another meaningful opportunity to share both domestic and foreign experiences that illustrate that green buildings are not more expensive than buildings built using traditional construction methods. Participants included government officials from the Presidential Committee on Green Growth, Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs and Korea Institute of Construction Technology, as well as leaders and professionals from the private sector.

“AMCHAM is excited to host today’s Green Building Forum. We believe creating a forum in which foreign and domestic companies can get together to discuss concrete ways to make buildings green and save costs as well as energy will spur innovation in this sector and improve the lives of citizens in Korea and around the world. This sector has much growth potential, and when U.S. and Korean companies start to partner in this area, I am sure it will create a huge synergy effect,” remarked AMCHAM President Amy Jackson.

Various companies in the industry participated and presented their ideas on how green building can be pursued in a new and economical way. Those represented included 3M Korea, BASF Company, EAN Technologies, ERM Korea, PMD Networks, Southwall Technology and Susterra Partners.

Over 120 domestic and foreign participants interested in green building and energy efficient architecture attended the Green Building Forum 2011.


