2024.07.15 (월)

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기상청 제공


Citibank offers special promotion to provide interest up to 5%p.a. (before tax) for free debit and credit account

NBC-1TV World News

[By NBC-1TV H. J Yook]Citibank Korea (CEO Ha, Yung-Ku) announced that it will offer a special promotion ‘Oh~! Surprising Citi’ from February 1 through April 30, 2012.

The promotion is designed to make its customers experience a variety of benefits in their relationship with the global Citibank on the various financial services from deposit to loan, credit card and mutual fund so the delighted customers would let out the exclamation “Oh!” over and over.

The special benefit #1. For the customer newly opened and made a deposit during the campaign period, a special preferential interest rate of 5% p.a. (before tax) will be applied to the amount that has been deposited for more than 30 days. The product is suitable for salary account as it provides the convenience of free debit and credit account and various fee discounts as well as high interest rate.

There are also various interest rate benefits for personal loan customers. Among the new customers of , those who graduate/enter school/join company/marry/have a new born baby/get promotion/move will receive 1% p.a. interest rate discount. Furthermore, a mixed-rate mortgage loan that applies fixed rate for the first 3 or 5 years and variable rate after then is launched to lessen the burden of variable interest rate. Also, additional interest rate discount is offered to Citigold customer or existing Citibank UPL customer. If you designate your Citibank account as a payment account, a total of 16 types of banking transaction fees will be waived.

In addition, 4-months free EPP will be available to the customer paying 50M won or more with Citi Card at any credit card merchant during the promotion period. There are also some gifts for the customer newly subscribing to collective investment scheme with 100 Million Won or more.


