2024.07.30 (화)

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기상청 제공


Ssangyong Motor’s domestic and export sales recorded 8,233 vehicles in January

NBC-1TV World News

[By NBC-1TV H. J Yook]Ssangyong Motor(President & CEO Lee Yoo-il), part of the US$14.4 billion Mahindra Group, announced on Feb. 1, 2012 that the company sold total 8,233 vehicles in January, 2,804 in domestic and 5,429 in exports respectively.

Ssangyong’s sales record for this January is a more than 8 percent increase compared to the same month last year. Despite fewer business days due to Korea’s Lunar New Year’s holidays, such results were made possible thanks to positive market response to Korando Sports, launched on Jan. 12, 2012, as well as continued rise in demand from overseas markets.

Ssangyong’s new Korando Sports model, which gained a lot of attention well ahead of its official launch, recorded 1,478 vehicle sales in the first 12 days in the market, a 44.3 percent increase over the January 2011 sales of Actyon Sports and far above the average monthly record of Actyon Sports (909 vehicles).

Moreover, the more than 4,000 contracts signed in just one month are evidence of the incredible customer response to Korando Sports. It is expected that the new model will lead Ssangyong’s sales momentum into the future, giving the new product competitive edge as Korea’s first leisure utility vehicle (LUV) targeted at those who enjoy outdoor recreation.

Export also grew by 15 percent compared to the same month last year thanks to increased sales of Korando C and Rexton, which together achieved impressive sales momentum in emerging markets like Russia and Latin America.

Ssangyong plans to consistently meet customers’ needs by holding various customer engagement events including the “Snow Driving School” and “Snow Camping” for the first time in Korea in line with the launch of Korando Sports, which has opened up a new horizon for LUVs in Korea’s auto market.

Lee Yoo-il, CEO of Ssangyong Motor, commented, “Korando Sports is leading sales momentum and received positive response from the market despite fewer working days in January,” adding, “Ssangyong will further increase its sales through launching various facelifts and upgrades.”


