2024.07.14 (일)

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기상청 제공


SolarWinds Significantly Expands Systems Management Product Footprint

NBC-1TV World News

[By NBC-1TV E. H Kim]SolarWinds (NYSE: SWI), a leading provider of powerful and affordable IT management software, today announced that it is driving its model of easy to use, powerful and affordable software solutions even deeper into the systems management market. Through two acquisitions and upcoming releases of existing SolarWinds products, the company now offers a more comprehensive suite of highly regarded, highly-effective products for sysadmins in organizations of all sizes.

“Over the past year, we've extended our reach into the server and app management market by leveraging our unique and disruptive business model to sell easy to use, powerful, and affordable products directly to system administrators,” said Kevin Thompson, president and CEO, SolarWinds. “Our goal in this market is to provide sysadmins with the tools they need to get their jobs done faster and easier, at a price they can afford.”

Throughout the first quarter of 2012, SolarWinds will focus on expanding the number of problems its systems management portfolio can solve for sysadmins through the integration of newly acquired products in the systems management space:

In December 2011, the company acquired certain assets of DameWare Development LLC, a Louisiana-based company that built its brand and reputation on delivering low-cost, high-powered server and PC remote control tools to sysadmins.

The addition of DameWare, with its more than 40,000 customers and hundreds of thousands of users, should help SolarWinds to significantly expand its mindshare with sysadmins, much like Engineer‘s Toolset did in the network management market during the company’s early days.

Just recently, the company completed the transaction to acquire certain assets of EminentWare. The four-year old company, based in Houston, TX, is a provider of patch management tools focused on Microsoft Windows servers and workstations.

These newly acquired products all share the fundamental characteristics that users have come to expect from SolarWinds; they are easy to install, quickly solve everyday problems, and are very affordable.

DameWare Tools and EminentWare's patch management products will join SolarWinds Application Performance Monitor and SolarWinds Synthetic End User Monitor to form a product portfolio that addresses the needs of the sysadmin -- from tools that deal with every day troubleshooting to patch management and performance monitoring.

“While there are many existing products in the systems management market, they have been aimed at driving a C-suite vision and suffered from weak investment, resulting in products that are underpowered, overpriced, unnecessarily hard to use, or all of these at the same time,” continued Thompson. “By contrast, the goal of every SolarWinds systems management product is to meet the day-to-day needs of the IT professional and offer a unique combination of power, usability, and enterprise scalability, all at an affordable price.”


