2024.07.14 (일)

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  • 부산 23.8℃
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  • 구름조금보은 25.2℃
  • 구름많음금산 23.0℃
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기상청 제공


CKI donated USD 400,000 to Korea YWCA to support financial education

NBC-1TV World News

[By NBC-1TV E. H Kim]Citibank Korea (CEO Ha, Yung-ku, www.citibank.co.kr) had a signing ceremony for “Think Money – financial education through learning and experience” with National YWCA of Korea (President Cha, Kyeong-ae, www.ywca.or.kr) at the auditorium of YWCA bldg. in Myeongdong on Mar. 8 and delivered USD 400,000 of Citi foundation fund.

“Think Money – financial education through learning and experience” has been jointly run by Citibank Korea together with the National YWCA of Korea since 2006 with an aim to help teenagers have the right perception about and realize the importance of finance. Over the last six years, the financial education program has been provided to 270,000 students and gradually expanded to include not only teenagers but their parents and multi-cultural families through around 30 partnership schools, after-school classes, and YWCA centers nationwide. It is offering an in-depth and long-term financial education that can bring about changes in attitudes and behaviors as well as disperse financial knowledge.

In particular, early this year, two “think money financial education” textbooks for elementary and middle school students were approved as official textbooks by the Superintendent of Seoul city and published early this year. The book was entirely upgraded based on the financial education standards announced by Financial Supervisory Service and the knowhow of financial education accumulated through six years of Think Money implementation. The education book consists of ‘finance and decision making,’ ‘income and expenditure,’ ‘saving and investment,’ ‘credit and debt management,’ ‘risk management and insurance,’ and diverse materials for activities such as sticker attaching and board games.


