2024.09.04 (수)

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기상청 제공


GuestLogix Releases Upgrade of Airline Industry's Most Popular Onboard Point-of-Sale Mobile Device

Next-Generation POS Device Features Chip & PIN, Contactless and NFC Payments for Faster, More Secure Processing

[By NBC-1TV E.H. Kim]GuestLogix Inc. (TSX: GXI), the leading global provider of onboard retail and payment technology solutions to airlines and the passenger travel industry, announced today that it has released the XPDA-SP, an upgraded version of its original onboard handheld Point-of-Sale (POS) device. The next-generation onboard retailing technology is more than twice as powerful compared to its predecessor and helps airlines perform transactions faster, in a PCI-compliant and secure environment. This ultimately increases both passenger and flight attendant satisfaction. The XPDA-SP comes standard with the ability to accept contactless and NFC payments. The device also supports the ability to transact via Chip & PIN cards and has the capability to process and track onboard transactions in multiple currencies, allowing payments in cash, credit, debit, loyalty cards, complimentary and coupons.

“GuestLogix' success in helping create lucrative onboard ancillary revenue programs for our customers is what drives us to bring the most advanced technology to market,” said Tom Douramakos, President and CEO of GuestLogix. “As airlines grow their onboard retailing programs, the need to process transactions more securely and faster requires technology such as the new XPDA-SP to support this.”

The predecessor device, known as the XPDA-S, is the most used handheld device in the onboard retail world and has been successful due to its ergonomic, light-weight design and ease of use. The XPDA-SP comes with the same ergonomic and user-friendly design including all the features of the XPDA-S such as barcode scanner, integrated printer and magnetic stripe reader, but has been upgraded to provide improved processing power, communications and security. The design similarities will ensure product familiarity, and quick and easy adoption by flight attendants that are used to the ease of use of the XPDA-S device.

The XPDA-SP is PCI-compliant (EMV Level 1 & 2 and PCI PED 2.0) and integrated with the GuestLogix Onboard Retail Technology Platform to automate all onboard activities with pre-flight and post-flight processing requirements. It also provides enhanced communication options such as Bluetooth, WiFi (b/g/n) and 3G GSM. The XPDA-SP also supports touch-screen features with a higher resolution LCD. The technology features MS Windows and Intel architecture, while supporting all-day transaction processing with more efficient power management allowing the battery to last longer than the earlier model. It also has eight times the amount of memory of the original technology, yet retains its streamlined design, and is capable of processing and tracking all types of onboard retail sales.

The XPDA-SP printer allows customers to provide receipts and also print third-party tickets and passes, complete with barcodes to support the sales of destination-based products and services including theatre and theme-park tickets, ground transportation and entertainment.

To support an airline's onboard retail program, the XPDA-SP is fully customizable from its external shell color and brand markings through to the graphical user interface (GUI), to meet the unique requirements of each airline. The touch screen device can manage and track onboard inventories, record sales by seat and attendant, manage onboard pricing and promotional activities, connect with back-office information flows, support offline and real-time transaction processing, and manage crew scheduling and operations.


