2024.07.23 (화)

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기상청 제공


Ssangyong Motor to sell Korando C with best fuel efficiency among domestic SUV brands at 20.1 km/l in full-scale

NBC-1TV World News

[By NBC-1TV H. J Yook]Ssangyong Motor, part of the US$14.4 billion Mahindra Group, announced on Apr 3 that it launched in late March and would start full-scale sale of the manual transmission (M/T) Korando C CHIC model that boasts the best fuel efficiency among domestic SUV brands.

The latest Korando model runs 20.1 km/l, a milestone for SUVs made by Korean carmakers. Ssangyong Motor said that the improved fuel efficiency is intended to meet the increasing demand of M/T models amid rising oil prices. The fuel efficiency of the Korando C is 2.7 km/l higher than the previous best (among small-sized M/T SUV models).

To attain such fuel efficiency, Ssangyong Motor equipped the Korando C with the e-XDi200 active engine, which shows great performance and power in the low and mid-level torque at 1,500 to 2,800 rpm, the most frequently used driving range in Korea due to the country’s hilly terrain. The e-XDi200 active engine enables drivers to enjoy dynamic cruise with maximum 149ps and 36.7 kg-m torque.

The Korando C CHIC model meets the Euro5 emission standards by reducing CO2 emissions to 134 g/km from the previous 153 g/km (2WD, M/T). This 14% improvement strengthens its environmental features and will further enable the model to meet Euro6 in the future.

As European consumers are more interested in high fuel efficiency and M/T automobiles, and the M/T Korando C accounts for over 70% of sales in that region, Ssangyong said that it launched the latest SUV model overseas. As the new model emits less CO2, the drivers will be benefitted from less tax.

In the domestic market, the M/T Korando C CHIC model will target consumers keen on better fuel efficiency and eco- features. With the launch of this latest SUV model, Ssangyong now offers two types of M/T Korando C vehicles including the CLUBBY MANIA, which boasts 175ps and 17.6 km/l fuel efficiency, along with four automatic transmission (A/T) models.

The Korando C CHIC and the CLUBBY MANIA models are sold for 20.35 million won and 24.30 million won, respectively. Prices of the A/T CLUBBY range from 23.40 to 25.00 million won, and those of the A/T CLASSY, from 26.30-27.85 million won.

Meanwhile, Ssangyong has sold a total of around 54,000 Korando C vehicles at home and abroad since the model’s launch in February 2011. In February this year, it unveiled 2012 Korando C model with better convenience and upgraded features.

“As more customers are pursuing M/T vehicles amid high oil prices, we have brought out a new model with great fuel efficiency, reflecting that consumer demand,” Ssangyong Motor CEO Lee Yoo-il said. “We plan to actively target niche markets and expand sales by launching new models with improved features that continue to embody consumer needs.”


