2024.07.23 (화)

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기상청 제공


Dachis Group Launches Advocate Insight

Big Data Social Analytics Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) Offering Identifies and Measures the Impact of a Brand's Top Advocates, Enabling Brands to “Engage at Scale” Across Their Entire Social Ecosystem

[By NBC-1TV H. J Yook]Dachis Group, the world‘s leading social software and solutions firm, today announced the launch of Advocate Insight, a software-as-a-service (SaaS) offering that identifies brands’ advocates across social channels and measures each individual's brand impact.

With the enormous opportunity presented by engaging with the millions of fans and followers a global brand has across the social web, many CMOs, brand managers and social community managers are beginning to understand both the promise and the enormous challenges of unprecedented access to customer engagement at scale.

With a typical social staff of fewer than a dozen, the continued rapid proliferation of new social networks and platforms, and a current crop of lightweight engagement tools poorly suited to engagement at scale, global brands face a new conundrum: they can only meaningfully engage with a small fraction of their potential engaged audience. How do these brands decide on whom to invest their time in order to maximize their impact? Increasingly, leading brands are turning to their loyal, trusted advocates and passionate brand warriors to echo and amplify their message, driving authentic engagement at scale across their social ecosystem.

By leveraging Dachis Group‘s big data social analytics platform, which monitors and measures the daily interactions between 30,000 brands and 100 million social accounts, Advocate Insight is able to identify a brand’s most passionate and engaged customers across their social audience, wherever they are.

The world's largest and most powerful brands have large numbers of passionate advocates. How do they identify them? More than a simplistic measure of fan or follower counts, Advocate Insight offers advanced advocate management features and the ability to isolate advocates based on geography, brand, platform, and affinity to specific social accounts of the brand.

Unlike previous solutions which measure topical influence of an individual generically in social, Advocate Insight identifies the subset of a brand‘s engaged market that has the greatest impact on the business outcomes of a brand’s social marketing, such as Brand Awareness, Brand Love, and Mindshare. Advocate Insight then offers analytic tools for analyzing the advocate‘s impact and tracking the brand’s engagement with that advocate.

“Our customers are rapidly embracing and mobilizing advocates in social for two primary reasons,” said Jeffrey Dachis, Founder, Chairman, and Chief Executive Officer, Dachis Group. “One, it‘s the only way to truly scale a brand’s engagement efforts across today‘s vastly growing social ecosystems, because the math won’t allow you to get there by just adding additional community managers. Two, people trust their friends to make purchasing decisions. For our clients, advocates have proven time and again to be more trusted and effective than traditional brand messaging at significantly improving loyalty, providing powerful echo and amplification, and driving click-through conversions and purchase rates.”

Brand Managers and Community Managers can use Advocate Insight to improve their return on marketing investments by simplifying advocate identification and accelerating the rollout of engagement programs.


