2024.07.18 (목)

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기상청 제공


High Touch Korea Announces EXPO PR Programs During EXPO 2012 YEOSU KOREA

NBC-1TV World News

[By NBC-1TV H. J Yook]High Touch Korea(www.hightouchkorea.com), a Korea-based PR and consulting agency, announced that it welcomes customized PR and marketing projects for global companies and country pavilions exhibiting at EXPO 2012 YEOSU KOREA held from May 12 through August 12, 2012 at Yeosu, a southern tip harbor city of South Korea.

High Touch Korea, which provides “high-touch” services for branding, market survey, cultural training, media PR/marketing campaigns and consumer communications services, has been taking a survey to some big exhibitors and high-fame participants in EXPO 2012 YEOSU KOREA, which marks the second occasion of the event in the country after DAEJEON EXPO 1993.

“The EXPOs have been a great opportunity to Korea aiming at globalization technically and culturally,” commented Hordon Kim, a journalist-turned Principal. “The country took the full advantage of the global recognition by hosting and organizing a lot of global events such as Summer and Winter Olympic Games, Paralympics, Asian Games, World Cup, etc. The global event gains recognition by adding the eco-friendly mood in designing, constructing and coloring its EXPO architecture, lighting and campaigns.”

High Touch Korea boasts elaborate “high-touch” media relationship services as most of its staff members come from the journalistic world. “We know the media and industry and, thus, successfully bridge them to our clients. This enables us to publish show dailies and news magazines both in Korean and English, and we always narrow down the communication gaps and differences of the global companies and organizations, which come from a lack of understanding cultural and media landscapes.”


