2024.07.18 (목)

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  • 구름많음거제 26.0℃
기상청 제공


Advantest Introduces Industry's Highest Capability 3-in-1 Semiconductor Test Clock Module to Improve Yields and Save Time & Money in Testing High-Speed ICs

Module's Ability to Test All Variations of Clock Requirements Enables Greater Test Coverage in a Single System

[By NBC-1TV H. J Yook]Advantest Corporation (TSE: 6857) (NYSE: ATE) today announced the new T2000 LJC16 16-channel, low-jitter-clock module. The LJC16 module, which combines different digital clock and analog clock/sine-wave requirements in a single high-multi-site system, will be featured in Advantest's booth (#6247 in North Hall) at the SEMICON West trade show, July 10-12 in San Francisco.

With the faster input/output (I/O) speeds of today's digital and analog ICs, the clock requirements for testing these devices have become more stringent. To achieve the highest manufacturing yields, testing advanced semiconductors requires the ability to:

· source low jitter below 500 femto-seconds,
· deliver gigahertz clocking speeds,
· provide programmable duty cycles and
· offer the highest performance sine wave inputs to analog-to-digital converters (ADCs).

By using Advantest's new LJC16 module, customers can perform all necessary tests on one tool without needing multiple modules. This saves on capital expenses, reduces cycle times and enables greater test coverage with a single module.

“With this new three-in-one module, our T2000 platform becomes the most economical and capable system in the industry for testing high-speed digital and mixed-signal devices while offering cutting-edge jitter performance,” said Jay Sakamoto, senior vice president of Advantest‘s Strategic Business Unit (SBU). “This solution is much more cost effective and versatile than other offerings on today’s market, such as high-end testers burdened with multiple modules or incomplete test solutions without high-speed digital pins and low-jitter sources.”


