2024.07.27 (토)

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기상청 제공


Openet Introduces Interaction Gateway

Extends Policy and Charging Control to the Mobile Device for Improved Customer Experience

[By NBC-1TV H. J Yook]Openet, a global leader of high performance transaction management software for network operators, today announced the immediate availability of Openet Interaction Gateway, which enables operators to extend Policy and Charging Control (PCC) system capabilities to the device for improved customer experience and optimization of network resources.

Interaction Gateway evolves what was previously known as the Subscriber Engagement Engine (SEE). In addition to the real time insight of usage and spend provided by SEE, Interaction Gateway coordinates communication between an operator's existing PCC infrastructure and a specialized on-device Interaction Agent for policy enforcement.

“Extending Policy and Charging Control capabilities to the device is an important step that optimizes both network resources as well as customer experience,” said Openet CTO Joe Hogan. “With the introduction of Interaction Gateway, subscriber engagement becomes one of many benefits delivered by providing PCC capability to the device as well as the network core.”

Interaction Gateway provides the advantage of enabling on-device enforcement of policies to reduce signaling congestion. By optimizing the signaling created by “chatty” apps that constantly query the network for updates, mobile device battery life can improve by up to 50 percent, and mobile infrastructure resources such as DHCP IP address allocation and AAA capacity can be preserved. Customer experience then improves through more robust mobile connectivity and better device performance.

Benefits of the Subscriber Engagement Engine, including real-time insight and control of usage and spend, will continue to be available through the Openet Subscriber Engagement solution. With the Openet Subscriber Engagement solution, Interaction Gateway aggregates data directly from BSS/OSS systems and delivers it to the mobile device through a subscriber-facing engagement application.


