2024.07.28 (일)

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  • 맑음거제 27.5℃
기상청 제공


Objectivity Launches Global Certification Program for Leading Graph Database InfiniteGraph

Certified InfiniteGraph Partners Armed With Critical Industry Knowledge to Tap Booming NoSQL, Big Data, Relationship and Graph Analysis Market

[By NBC-1TV H. J Yook]Objectivity, provider of the leading object and graph databases, today announced its global certification program for InfiniteGraph, the only commercial graph database able to scale and handle massively distributed real-time data for analysis. InfiniteGraph enables graph analysis capabilities for all types of existing infrastructure from legacy RDBMS to the different NoSQL solutions available today. By becoming a certified InfiniteGraph partner, VARs, ISVs, system integrators, etc. assert themselves as leaders and trusted resources in the emerging NoSQL, Big Data, Relationship and Graph Analysis market.

“HM Informatik AG has successfully been working with database systems since 1993 and has seen a significant change in the requirements of data processing and storage in recent years. Universal relational database management systems are now complemented by specialized systems such as object-oriented, graph-oriented and other non-relational systems,” said Alexander Thiem, CEO of HM Informatik. “With demands to manage millions of objects in real time and in mission critical business environments, HM Informatik has chosen Objectivity/DB and InfiniteGraph as reliable and highly performing data management solutions. Objectivity‘s long-standing presence in the market and the ongoing development of their scalable and innovative solutions ensure a perfect fit for HM Informatik’s Big Data customers.”

To achieve InfiniteGraph Certification status, partners can attend a two day course focused on both a high-level overview of the product architecture/feature and benefits, as well as real-world practice building a sample application using InfiniteGraph. Once completed, each certified partner company will receive recognition as a certified InfiniteGraph partner and have an opportunity to apply the certification fees towards the purchase of licenses, as well as free online technical support and upgrades to the latest versions.

“The ever increasing complexity of Big Data in today‘s market has generated significant interest from partners who want to leverage InfiniteGraph to help their customers ’connect the dots' on a global scale,” said Jay Jarrell, CEO, Objectivity, Inc. “With InfiniteGraph, partners have the only graph technology available today that can traverse complex relationships, requiring multiple hops, across vast and distributed data stores -- all done in minutes versus the days it used to take.”


