2024.06.25 (화)

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기상청 제공


Open Mobile Alliance (OMA) Delivers 2D Barcode Standard and Registry to Enhance and Extend Mobile Commerce and Advertising Traffic

Billions of Devices, Hundreds of Networks, Different Resolution Parameters, Multiple Geographies -- Global Scalability Requires Seamless Interworking of Camera Phones and Infrastructure

[By NBC-1TV H. J Yook]OMA announces its standard specification for encoding, decoding and resolution of mobile two-dimensional (2D) barcodes. Along with a centralized and open registry to assign a virtually limitless number of barcode management servers, the new OMA standard will allow retailers and advertisers to create sophisticated marketing, advertising and mobile commerce campaigns using cameras on mobile phones.

Non-standard solutions are prevalent in some markets, where mobile barcodes have seen significant to majority usage rates, which continue to grow across markets internationally. “The new OMA standard enables interoperability across a barcodes ecosystem that is currently fragmented by non-standard solutions,” says Mark Cataldo, Chairman of the Board, OMA. “Imagine a billboard at a bus stop directing consumers to point one mobile phone camera at one barcode, with multiple other directions for different phone models to point at separate barcodes. This is not a scalable model for the wide variety of retailers, advertisers, handset makers and mobile operators that want to deploy mobile codes to promote their products and services. OMA has solved this problem.”

In the Japanese market where mobile barcodes were first deployed, consumer usage grew exponentially once the three primary mobile operators agreed on a common specification to read barcodes. Standardized access to mobile barcodes with tailored and relevant consumer information will increase usage of barcodes, greatly simplify users' interactions with product information, and allow advertisers and retailers to track and update their campaigns.

According to comScore, a leading firm in measuring the digital world, more than half the US population used their phones in 2011 to perform product research while shopping in stores, while 1-in-5 scanned a barcode and 1-in-8 compared prices on their phones. By using standardized barcodes and resolution parameters, users with a camera-equipped mobile phone will be able to point to a 2D barcode and engage directly with a marketing campaign or other content with as little as a single click. The use cases for barcodes and the variety of information and content they can contain is growing and evolving everyday.

“One potential use of barcodes is to provide a new retail experience that seamlessly links a physical item in a store to the virtual world of digital content -- without opening a browser and typing in an address or entering search terms and dealing with multiple clicks. Consumers won't accept a cumbersome experience like that on a mobile phone,” says Byron Morrison, President of Wireless at The Marketing Arm (a division of Omnicom Group Inc.). “OMA has made barcodes a more powerful, elegant mobile advertising and commerce channel for retailers, service providers and consumers. Not only has OMA standardized how a code is generated, read and resolved, regardless of the device being used; OMA has now defined a standardized code management platform for advertisers and retailers to monitor what happens within the network of servers that manage campaigns globally.”


