2024.07.23 (화)

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기상청 제공


Korea‘s Representative Photo Application, ’Pudding Series' of KTH, Exceeds 30 Million Downloads

The Company Is Aggressively Promoting the Series in Overseas Markets, Launching Multi-Language Versions, Including English, Chinese and Japanese

[By NBC-1TV H. J Yook]As it exceeded 30 million downloads both in Korea and other countries, users of ‘Pudding,’ one of the most popular camera applications in Korea, show steady growth.

KTH (CEO: Seo Jeong-su), a leading smart mobile company in Korea, stated on July 24 that its popular ‘Pudding series’ (http://pudding.to/?lang=en&telco) exceeded a total of 30 million downloads, including 14 million downloads of ‘Pudding Camera,’ 13.5 million downloads of ‘Pudding Face Match’ and 2.5 million downloads of ‘Pudding.to.’

The staggering number of downloads demonstrates that the Pudding series is growing as global applications for smartphone users across the world, including Korea. Pudding series are fast penetrating into global markets by launching versions in various languages, including Korean, English, Japanese and Chinese.

‘Pudding Camera’ has been gaining popularity among smartphone users around the world since the iPhone version was launched in July 2010 and the Android version in February 2011. Moreover, it attracted keen attention last year when it was selected as one of the top 10 camera applications by Mashable, a leading IT media in the United States. For more convenient use by overseas users, it also provided multi-language versions, including English and Japanese, in February and July 2012, respectively. The company plans to further increase users by updating the ‘Pudding Camera’ application in the latter part of this year, adding new functions, such as real-time filter and support for mobile images.

‘Pudding Face Match,’ an application that searches resembling Korean stars, is obtaining high popularity thanks to the worldwide Korean wave, ranking first in the photo area in China. The application is especially popular in Asian countries, such as China, Taiwan and Hong Kong, since its Chinese version was introduced in March of this year. And it is very likely to emerge as a Korean wave application since the Korean wave is spreading to Europe and North America. In the latter part of this year, KTH will augment entertainment factors by adding the ‘resemblance battle’ function that decides ranking based on the closest similarity to Korean celebrities.

‘Pudding Face Match’ and ‘Pudding Camera’ are enjoying steady popularity, ranking third and 12th place among free applications in the Korean App Store.

Meanwhile, ‘Pudding.to,’ a photo-sharing application launched in February of this year, is rapidly spreading among Pudding Camera users. ‘Pudding.to’ outpaced growth of Instagram in early days by exceeding 1 million downloads only a week after its availability, and its user base is expanding primarily in Asia. Consumers in 270 cities around the world are using ‘Pudding.to,’ and it is evaluated as the most innovative picture-sharing application that can replace Instagram because a large number of photos are uploaded in Asian countries, including Malaysia, Thailand, Hong Kong and Singapore.

Several world renowned media, including The Guardian in the United Kingdom and Forbes in the United States, showed keen interest in Korea‘s photo-sharing application. The Guardian introduced it as ’the most-ever innovative photo-sharing application,‘ while Forbes cited ’Pudding.to‘ as ’a noteworthy emerging photo application‘ and introduced it as ’the most popular photo application in Asia where emotion tagging and music tagging are strong.'

Yun Se-jeong, Pudding Project Manager at KTH, said, “User-friendly interface and fun factors are key popular elements of ‘Pudding series.’ KTH will continuously promote the ‘Pudding series’ in overseas markets so that they will be widely known as representative global applications of Korea.”


