2024.07.03 (수)

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기상청 제공


BiltzGreen expected to lead eco-friendly synthetic wood sector, in Korea and abroad

NBC-1TV World News

[By NBC-1TV H. J Yook]As the goal of ‘low-carbon green growth’ based on reducing energy consumption to preserve the natural environment, combat climate change and reduce environmental damage becomes more strongly emphasized, and clean energy and green technology R&D becomes the center of the global economic flow, domestic and foreign companies engaged in various fields are highly interested in ‘eco-friendly technology and business.’

An eco-friendly synthetic wood-oriented company, BiltzGreen (CEO: Shim, Hyo-Seop, www.biltz-green.co.kr) is drawing attention in Korea and abroad with its steady ‘eco-friendly moves’.

BiltzGreen is a synthetic wood manufacturer that is the exclusive developer of WPC, an eco-friendly synthetic wood made using chaff, a Korean first for which the company has acquired an international patent. Along with product development by using eco-friendly material, the various eco-friendly certificates verified by the government makes BiltzGreen representative ‘green tech’ company in the field of synthetic wood.

BiltzGreen’s key product is a synthetic wood called ‘Click Wood’ that it developed back in 2008, and is made of wood flour (chaff) and special high molecule resin synthesized to give it a luxurious wooden texture and to compensate for typical wood defects such as contraction-expansion-corrosion-water-proofing. As it doesn’t deform or crack due to external stimulation or environmental factors such as temperature change, moisture, microorganism, and white ants, it secures excellent stability in size and can be used semi-permanently. Its stability also helps to reduce maintenance cost.

Most of all, ‘Click Wood’ is helpful in solving the issues of foreign currency outflow for lumber and imported oil, and the water and soil pollution caused by spilled heavy metal.

In addition, Click Wood has acquired ‘Green Technology Certification’ and ‘GR (Good Recycled) Certification’ from the Ministry of Knowledge Economy, ‘Excellent Performance Certification: EPC’ from the Small & Medium Business Administration, and ‘Environmental Mark Certification’ from the Korea Environmental Industry & Technology Institute, and was also designated as an ‘excellent product’ and a ‘3rd party unit price contract product’ by the Public Procurement Service.

BiltzGreen is planning to diversify its eco-friendly business into transparent insulation film, insulation paint, and pollution-free detergent. The company plans to manufacture a new product line (design deck, soul wood ) that is 40% cheaper than Click Wood.

BiltzGreen’s CEO, Shim, Hyo-Seop said that “environmental issues are a global concern, and I believe that enterprises should make realistic efforts to prevent the acceleration of global warming and greenhouse effect,” adding “I hope that eco-friendly synthetic wood technology will be a big help in coping with these environmental issues.”


