2024.07.27 (토)

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기상청 제공


Nuga Medical Co., Ltd., Chairman, Cho, Syung-Hyun, awarded ‘Honorary Korean Trader of the Month’

Awarded for his contribution in exporting more than 90% of their products to 80 countries of the world

[By NBC-1TV H. J Yook]Mr. Cho, Syung-Hyun, chairman of a medical appliance company, Nuga Medical Co., Ltd., (www.nuga.kr) was awarded the 51st ‘Honorary Korean Trader of the Month’ for his contribution in excellent actual exports.

The 51st ‘Honorary Korean Trader of the Month’ Award was held in the Trade Center, Samseong-dong, Seoul on July 11th and it was jointly awarded by the Ministry of Knowledge Economy, Korean Trade Association, and Korea Economic Daily.

‘Honorary Korean Trader of the Month’ has been awarded since 1997 through strict screening by the screening committee on the export record and technical skill in order to drive trade business’ will to export and to boost their morale.

A person concerned with Nuga Medical Co., Ltd. said that “it was awarded for manufacturing medical appliance for family and hospital uses and for exporting more than 90% of our products to 80 countries of the world including the U.S.A., Russia, Vietnam, Indonesia, Germany, Argentina by installing a sales network with 3,500 spots ever since incorporated in last 2002.”

Nuga Medical Co., Ltd. made 300 million dollars export this April, and was awarded 50 million dollars export tower and Bronze Medal of Industrial Effort in last December for commemorating the 48th Trade Day. When it comes to ever-lasting R&D, Nuga Medical established int’l joint research collaboration with Fraunhofer Laboratory by making continuous investment in R&D. In addition, the performance of BS (Before service) even before customer’s request increases customer’s satisfaction.

Mr. Cho, Syung-Hyun, the chairman said that “as we can manufacture and provide more products through new factory completed in Wonju last June, we will put spurs to developing better quality products, and we will target global market based on it.”


