2024.07.15 (월)

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기상청 제공


Nakchun, a specialized company in Makgeolli, presents two kinds of Gijangsoo Makgeolli at famous department stores

NBC-1TV World News

[By NBC-1TV H. J Yook]A Makgeolli brewer of Korea, Nakchun (CEO, Sung, Jae-Gi, www.nakchun.co.kr) started to sell two kinds of their Makgeolli products at Lotte Department Stores and Shinsegae Department Stores in Seoul and Gyeonggi areas.

What they present at liquor shops in department stores now are ‘Pumpkin Makgeolli’ and ‘Cameo Makgeolli’ made of Gijangsoo – red clay sinking water – which contains minerals of red clay bedrock layer, and both of them are sterilized raw rice wine with 6 months of shelf life. Nakchun is the one and only brewer of Makgeolli by using Gijangsoo, which has been steadily used in oriental medicine, according to the prescription in ‘Dong-eui-bo-gam’.

First of all, Pumpkin Makgeolli is brewed with natural Gijangsoo for differentiated fermentation, and features yellow color and tastes gentle and sweet. Pumpkin contains potassium and vitamin which are good for eye fatigue and blood circulation, and is good for clear skin and strengthening immunity for which it is popular among women. Especially, it has fresh idea of enabling bottle cap as glass.

Cameo Makgeolli is made of Gijangsoo and 100% homegrown rice; it is popular among people who want fresh Makgeolli with its smooth and gentle taste. Exclusive glass bottle design attracts the eyes.

Meanwhile, Nakchun is a Makgeolli brewer located in Gangwon region; they brew hygienic and tasty high quality Makgeolli by developing advanced brewage with up-to-date facility of automated line. Thanks to in-house laboratory, they maintain the best quality and conduct stable fermentation management.


