2024.06.02 (일)

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기상청 제공


Samsung Pushes the Boundary of Innovation at IFA 2012

OLED TV, GALAXY Note II, GALAXY Camera and Space Max Refrigerators among highlights as Samsung inspires to create unique, meaningful user experiences

[By NBC-1TV E. H Kim]Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd, a global leader in digital media and digital convergence technologies, today at IFA 2012 unveiled its vision for the consumer electronics market and introduced the products and services that will push the boundaries of innovation.

Before a crowd of IFA 2012 attendees, Boo-Keun Yoon, President and Head of Consumer Electronics Division at Samsung Electronics, stated that the company will cultivate the curiosity of its people and uncover what is meaningful for consumers who engage with its products.

“Earlier this year, we promised to remove the barriers that exist between devices and content,” Yoon said. “Today, you will see how far we’ve come in achieving this goal, with technology that will create unique experiences by putting the consumers at the center, and building every product, content and service around them.”

Samsung also noted its leading position within the TV industry for the sixth consecutive year, as well as its lead in Side-by-Side refrigerators for the past six years.

“We have high ambitions for the future,” Yoon said. “By 2015, we hope to celebrate a decade as the global number one manufacturer of televisions, as well as the world’s number one producer of all home appliances.”

The company also unveiled a number of new devices, including the 55-inch ES9500 OLED TV, revolutionary Space Max refrigerators and ecobubble washing machines, and the GALAXY Note II and GALAXY Camera. AllShare was also highlighted as the content platform that provides users with more connection and control.

The company’s complete product line-up will be displayed August 31 to September 5 at Halls 20 (consumer electronics) and 5.1 (home appliance products), Messe Berlin.

Next-Generation Smart TVs Redefine Viewing Experience

Samsung reinforced its industry leadership as it unveiled its much-anticipated 55-inch ES9500 OLED TV and 75-inch LED ES9000 Smart TV in Europe for the first time. With ultimate picture quality, immersive content and interactive experiences, Samsung’s latest offerings are leading to its position as the world’s number one TV manufacturer for seven years running.

Samsung’s 55-inch ES9500 OLED TV, with its unlimited contrast ratio, richer colors and faster response time, marks the beginning of a new era in the TV industry. The ES9500’s self-emitting sub-pixels can individually reproduce life-like colors, creating a more immersive experience that draws the viewer into the

action on the screen. OLED technology is also able to differentiate between varying degrees of blacks, enabling its unlimited contrast ratio to deliver unparalleled detail in shadows, shapes and subtle colors even in the darkest of scenes. With no need for a separate light source, the ES9500 offers a fast response time, eliminating motion blur. That incredible speed translates into action scenes and sports games that are amazingly life-like and 3D experiences with virtually no crosstalk.

Samsung’s highly-anticipated OLED TV comes equipped with Samsung Multi View, a feature that allows two people to watch two different shows simultaneously on one full screen—with the ability to hear each program separately using Samsung Multi View 3D glasses with integrated headphones. This unprecedented feature is made possible by the OLED TV’s high processing speeds and Samsung’s innovative wireless sound system.

For consumers who want a large screen, premium design and enriched picture quality, today Samsung also showcased its 75-inch LED ES9000 Smart TV. With an incredibly thin 7.9-millimeter frame and a stunning rose-gold finish, the ES9000 adds a sense of timeless luxury and sophistication to any home décor. A hidden pop-up camera completes the superior design, allowing the user to become fully immersed in the performance of Samsung’s largest Smart TV.

More importantly, however, is that both the ES9500 OLED TV and ES9000 Smart TV give consumers unique experiences by allowing them to freely explore and make discoveries, be it through features like Smart Interaction, including Voice Control, Motion Control and Face Recognition, or premium Smart Content delivered through unique apps, games and services.


