2024.07.20 (토)

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기상청 제공


Digital Business Is Becoming the Hub of the Global Industry

[By NBC-1TV H. J Yook]The business models of many industries are undergoing radical change worldwide as a result of the ongoing digitalization. In the meantime the digital business encompasses almost all segments of the value chain and is thus gaining more and more significance for the entire global industry. The first day of the dmexco clearly demonstrated this: An expo with 578 exhibitors from all over the world, the participation of over 400 international top speakers in the Conference and record trade visitor attendance. The economic relevance of the global digital business for the international digital industry, which is illustrated in Cologne at the largest and most important industry event, is also reflected by the continually growing markets: Worldwide around 87 billion Euro are spent annually on online advertising, the US and European markets account for over 20 billion each -- and according to the Circle of Online Marketers (OVK) in Germany the current expenditure is 6.44 billion Euro.

Whether at home, in the office, in the car, or while pursuing leisure-time activities: Digital solutions, products and communication channels have found their way into our everyday routines and have long since become part of all areas of our daily lives. This development has led to radical changes for the diverse branches of the global industry: The digital business is increasingly taking the centre stage. This was clearly noticeable on the first day of the dmexco across the entire Expo and in the top-manned Conference formats, which are already on target to set a new attendance record. In total 578 national and international exhibitors, including among others Facebook, Google, eBay, Microsoft, Amazon, Adobe, Yahoo!, Yandex, Spotify, MySpace, Rakuten, Tomorrow Focus, Axel Springer, SevenOne, IP, OMS, Spiegel, ORF, Nokia and Telefonicaat presented solutions, technologies, strategies, innovations and products at the dmexco 2012, spread across two completely full halls. Today and tomorrow, over 400 top speakers from the entire global digital industry, among them for instance Dr. Paul-Bernhard Kallen (Hubert Burda Media), Jack Klues (VivaKi), Nicolas Brien (McCann Worldgroup), Randall Rothenberg (IAB), Frank Cooper (PepsiCo), Antonio Hidalgo (Philips), Joseph Gross (Allianz), Neal Mohan (Google), Heather Freeland (Facebook), Michael Dwan (Microsoft), Omid Ashtari (Foursquare) and Guy Wieynk (AKQA) will be discussing the current trends and themes in five Conference formats here in Cologne.

The current market figures also underline the growing influence of digital marketing solutions: According to EMarketer around 87 billion Euro are spent on online advertising worldwide, according to the IAB US around 25 billion Euro in the USA, over 20 billion Euro in Europe (according to IAB Europe) -- and 6.44 billion Euro in Germany. The latter figure was presented by the Circle of Online Marketers (OVK) in the Federal Association of the Digital Industry (BVDW) e.V. in the new “Online-Report 2012/2”, which was published for the first time at the dmexco. According to the forecast, in 2012 the German online advertising market is expected to grow by 12% compared to the previous year. “This positive growth reflects the high amount of trust the advertising companies have in the digital industry. The entire market volume of online has more than doubled over the last six years. Measured in terms of the media mix share, online spending accounts for almost 60 percent of the advertising investments in the TV sector,” stated Paul Mudter, Chairman of the OVK. The “OVK Online-Report 2012/02” can be downloaded free of charge at www.bvdw.org.

Digital marketing is not just gaining significance in Germany in the course of this all-embracing digitality, but indeed worldwide. The exhibitors, speakers and visitors of the dmexco made this very clear today. “Digital is universal already now for most parts of the world in shaping people‘s opinions and attitudes,” observed Joseph K. Gross (Allianz) for example. Henrik Rutenbeck (Loewe) identified the decisive influence of technology innovations: “Digital techniques and above all digital networking have quite naturally found their way into all areas of life. The technology has been advanced enough for some time already, but up until now the products and services weren’t simple enough to be suitable for the masses. Joy of use is the biggest driver for the use of digital services.”

Philippe Besnard (Myspace / Specific Media) describes what opportunities and challenges this development brings with it for the digital business based on three clear trends in the digital marketing sector, which have arisen as a result of the ongoing digitalization: “‘Always on’ is a development, which not only reflects an important change in media usage behaviour, but which also explicitly underlines the challenges of the online business. 2013 is going to be strongly influenced by three things: Content planning, multi-screen delivery, as well as less, albeit more relevant advertising for the benefit of the users and cost efficiency.” And according to David Karnstedt (Adobe) the dmexco plays a central and international role here: “As the leading marketing and media conference in Europe the dmexco not only helps us to engage on the German market, but also throughout the whole of Europe and in developing countries such as Russia. The pioneers, who literally come from all over the world, provide direct access to industry knowledge and best practices.”

Christian Muche, Director Business Development, Strategy & International dmexco, and Frank Schneider, Director Marketing, Sales & Operations dmexco: “The first day of the dmexco 2012 has already exceeded our wildest expectations! Two completely filled Expo halls, trade visitors from all over the globe, extremely well-attended Conference formats -- the dmexco is the best proof that the worldwide digitality is increasingly establishing itself as a connecting element between all branches and areas of the global industry. In Cologne corporate decision-makers are given an overview of the current industry trends, growth strategies, product innovations and creative diversity from the entire world of digitalized marketing, advertising and media. You can learn everything here today about the business fields of tomorrow.”


